What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out! lol this is a bit amusing since just yesterday Tim said that we were a tan oreo....hee hee hee ..i love oreos.. according to the last oreo i twisted i get to be dictator of the world..i'm still waiting for that...ok so today marks the fifth day i haven't worn underwear...its snowing..but I found the solution to my dilemma.... I wore tights underneath my jeans cus it was so cold BUT NO UNDERWEAR!! HAH HAH HAH im still the champion of the world...i kick ass *does a lil bootie bumping victory dance* Nobody can like a mexi-CAN !!!...ok so today im hoping for a good day...who knows it just might happen.. i think a random gift of some recreationals would speed the process along tho..*hopeful glance around* ...damn.. didn't think so..
ok so today this person asked me to describe my boyfriend...
and i stuck my gum behind my ear and was like
"ok well tall, slim, beautiful honey blonde hair...big
green eyes..nice smile..etc"
and the person's like
"hold up.. are you describing ur GIRLFRIEND or ur boyfriend?"
and i laughed and said..
" no this time its a boy..lol..i guess he does sound a lil too
pretty to be a boy *giggle* I guess i should say something like
strong features..tan..filled out...dark hair and eyes
* guy looks at me and starts cracking up..er ..wait
der...ya i felt like the unwanted puppy after that one..and that was my story of the day..my boyfriend is prettier than me..
alright then so im out to go plod through the snow to get a pedicure .