Harro to the faithful, Stchoo "Stchoo" McStchooson here, live, from the impending disaster that is my life. Local authorities recommend storing plenty of water, canned goods and high quality Gin, Tonic, Ice and Lime should the worst happen. Also, please don't feed,encourage or attack me with my one "kryptonite", kryptonite. Have you ever notice that kryptonie could be marketed as Kryp-to-nite, a direct competitor to chicken-to-nite? Just a thought.
This week promises to hold more action than a termite mound full of speed freaks listening to a high-BPM breakcore version of Wham!s seminal party track "Club Tropicana" in a heat wave whilst also wearing rollerskates. With rockets tied to the rollerskate and the rockets are lit and there's a lot of oxygen so they burn really well and they're tied really tight to the rollerskates so the maximum amount of kinetic energy is transfered to the wearer.
Thursday night is the gig of the year at the attic featuring Dan Fiasco and The Winos - I promise, no gig featuring those two artist at that venue will come close this calendar year. Get your shiftless, no good asses out of your shiftless, no good houses and get on down. I'll be buying all the drinks for everyone*
Then, come one come all to the Halloween Fancy Dress at the Cellar on Saturday night - I'm trying to line up something a bit special costume-wise but, as is so unerringly accurate when I'm referring to me, I'll probably not bother and get drunk instead. Any/all suggestions will be considered for my outfit if my planned ABBA tribute falls through. Try to think cheap though kids, I'm not made of money.
I got fed up of women, so went back to more beautiful things - Guitar. Today, GOLDTOP.