Sep 11, 2008 20:34
Democrats forget/ that day in September when/the world changed overnight. A Patriot Day haiku..
Seven years ago our enemies sucker punched us. They had been planning for eight years. Their first attempt in 1993 was not sucessful. The Clinton Circus was in town and nothing was done. Later, that same year, Bill got scared and pulled out of Mogidishu (see Black Hawk Down). Bin Laden said he knew America was a paper tiger then. But that was a Democrat President. In 2001 we had a Republican and Afganistan was dealt with. The whole world thought Iraq had WMD, and while they hesitated, We went in. The only problem I have with the war is 51/2 years is too long. We should be in Iran now mopping up. The Pussacrats have been doing their best to demoralize us all about the war. And they really don't care about the war they just see the funding as money they lost for their social programs. I mean really these feckless bastards: kerry, durbin, murtha, reid, pelosi don't give a damn about the war. The hate they have in their souls for George W. has clouded their minds. Just thank God Algore was not Pres. on 9-11!
The Liberal media will not show file footage of 9-11 anymore. Maybe today but not tomorrow. People might just remember what happened. People might just view the war as necessary. They will cloak the truth in "too painful to watch" and "bad memories" but we know the truth. Guys like Olbefurer and Matt Sour will echo excuses for the censorship. These people are dangerous, these book burners and fact twisters. Footage of 9-11 should be shown over and over agian so we can say "Never Again".
We all know where we were when the Towers were destroyed. I was at work. It really didn't hit me until about a week later when I saw on TV the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and they played The National Anthem. The people watching were all crying, citizens and tourists alike. I broke up. I cried. I got involved. My real political awakening occured then. I had voted before and even paid some attention to what was going on, but not REAL attention. Not after that. Never again.
I remember the pictures of those third world shitheads in their third world shit-hole firing their AK-47s in the air and celebrating the deaths of 3.000 innocent people and my blood boiled. These dogs should be hunted down and made to pay. Actually happy about a thing like that. The ones who were caught were POWs and were given Constitutional rights by the 5 skunks on the Supreme Court at the behest of the ACLU. How did it get so far astray? We should all be saying NEVER AGAIN. I am starting to get mad at my fellow countrymen so I will close and wish you all Peace and prosperity. Never forget, never again!