Aug 19, 2008 22:15
Jan. 1991- Saddam's army overran their border with Kuwait and threathened their oil fields. Bush Sr. went to the UN for a coalition to deal with the situation. The UN only gave him a mandate to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, thus not
finishing the job. There were however, consequences, sanctions and weapon inspections. The problem was it happened during the Clinton administration, at least by the time they were serious about it. Hans Blix and later David Kay could never quite find anything. Saddam
was always a few steps ahead of them. Remember the whole world felt he had WMD. M-5, Mussad, CIA, FBI. And
something needed to be done. Saddam, like Michael Jackson, did everything possible to look guilty (remember MJ
on film talking about sleeping with boys) but ultimately found innocent. MJ =court, Saddam=no WMD. But do you re-
member SCUDS? Whose to say he wasn't arming one of them to shoot at Isreal. Anyway, back in the US, W consults
his father on what to do. George Sr. says DO IT, screw the UN. The UN would of vetoed any help, which of course they later did. Why? Because it would of exposed the weakness and corruption within the Kofi Annon regime. His son
made millions scamming money off the Iraqi-oil-for-food program ran by the UN. No WMD were fouind. Earlier this
year the miltary found 550 tons of yellow cake uranium in Iraq. They had to keep it a secret until it was in Canada be-
ing neutralized.
Mar. 2003-now- Where are we? Much better since the surge. Why had things been deteriorating? Rumsfeld. He
belived in technology too much. he had to justify his HUGE defense budgets year after year. When he said "You don't
go to war with the army you want, you go with the one you got" Well, I'm sorry Donny where are the billions? Not enough boots on the ground. Easy to say now, with the surge working, buit McCain said it from the beginning. No
matter how you look at it 51/2 years is too long. Let's wrap this crap up so we can go kick some Russian ass!