JFK, ODS, And a new song

Nov 22, 2008 13:29

JFK,  Forty five years ago, 46 year old JFK was killed in Dallas. I am a big conspiracy nut about this and do beleive that this single event set us on the path of destruction we seem to be on now. You could not trust the government anymore. There was a conspiracy. Or, so it seemed. Special after special, show after show, and book after book, recently all say Oswald acted alone. It
is okay for the average person, but not the nuts (like me). A friend of mine, while living in Fort Worth, went down to Dealy Plaza and cut me off a piece of the picket fence at the grassy knoll, a special piece of wood to some of us, a treasure to me. We'll probably never know the truth of that day, so speculate, run it around in your head and see what rational ol' you thinks of the whole mess. I know I 'm suffering from ODS, Obama Depression Syndrone. I have not been the same since 9:15 pm (EST) 11-4 when the lefty on FOX (yes I said that right) gleefully pronouced Pennsylvania was for Obama. "It's over" I said to Sadie J. She hung her head and laid down on her pillow. How could this happen after my three dreams and my hopeful prediction? Could Acorn really get 8 million forgeries in the system? Just in the key states and cities I know, maybe 700,000 it seems doubtful. Did my fellow countrymen just vote a socialist in? McCain was in the dustbin in my Dream Team 2008, made after Christmas 2007. Romney as Pres. Fred as VP. Tancredo as Sec. of Defense, Duncan Hunter was Sec. of Interior for his fine work on the border fence. Huck was HEW Sec. Compassionate Conservatives all and one helluva a team.
    I stopped posting because I thought the Obama Truth Squad was on me. My computer would slow down at unopertune times, my postings on Youtube would either not even sow up or soooon get deleted. The posters own the video and can edit the posts anyway they want. Any bad mouthing Ocommie was quickly erased. Just like he scrubbed his own website several times. He must have had several trolls working on Youtube. But, I hope I am wrong. I hope OB changes. I am willing to help, but will continue to write songs as I see fit, like this one:

Four Years of Barack
It happened in November last year
In a country torn apart by war
We didn't know at that time we were
The ones we'd been waiting for
He came from Chicago with a bombers blessing
and a crazy preacher for a friend
Don't even ask him for an explanation
Because he'll lie once again
It's four years of Barack

He'll stop all oil exploration
and bankrupt the coal industry
everything the liberals want, will be done
no more free society
From the marbled floors of the Supreme Court
He'll propose their number be fifteen
in days there'll be six more judges,
all with the same leftist lean
In four years of Barack

Well, he mocks our country so cooly
and smokes at least two packs a day
the hope and change he promised to bring
are getting further and further away
with four years of Barack

Two thousand twelve and he's still with us
He hasn't been impeached or died
we've been overtaxed and overworked
most are not on his side
Some Kool-Aid drinkers are still out there
you know the ones who voted him in
the past four years we've won most over
and we'll begin once again
After four years of Barack
four hard years of Barack
no more years for Barack.................

ROMNEY/PALIN  2012 & 2016

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