OOC: New Character and Game Discussion

Jul 21, 2006 16:28

Firstly, I want to welcome...erm, myself...to the St. Catherine's School for Girls. If you haven't already, please add valkyrie_yuuki, everone's favorite accidentally-gender-changed male magical girl. And the only accidentally-gender-changed male magical girl to my knowledge, but since he's stuck being female whether he likes it or not, he/she was allowed in by Admissions. XD

(It's kind of important that you add her, like Soulfire, since these new characters are not able to post to the community. They'll only be able to post to their journals, and if they're not directly friended, you won't see their threads.)

And to keep this from being a quick "add me" post that wastes space and doesn't contriubte anything...what are the room assignments going to be next semester? Liz has already asked Katie to room with her IC'ly, and in talking to Utena's player we decided OOC that she'd move in with Rei. I'm going to shove Yuuki in one of the empty spaces in Elphaba's four-person room, just to group the active players together and give them more chances to interact with one another.

While we're at it, does anyone else want to move into a Single, or change out an inactive roomie for someone that posts more often, or anything else? Reply here with any changes you'd like to make, and we'll talk amongst ourselves till we all agree and everything's set up for the next semester. =D

[EDIT:] I already talked to each and every one of you online (except Elphaba's mun, who I don't see on AIM at the moment), and got unanimous support from you all. But just to make sure everyone knows, I've started an OOC communuty for this RP, located at stcatherinesooc, as a tool to help us all out. We can manage the current character list, room assignments, new applications, and just about everything else there, instead on the User Info page of this StCatherinesRPG community (which we no longer have access to).

So please, remember to join that community and keep your eyes on the updated versions of all the relevant game information that'll be located there from now on! ^_^


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