-Nimoy seemed to identify with and gravitate towards playing alienated characters prior to landing the role of Spock. It makes me wonder if anything happened in his life to cause him to be that empathetic.
-The thought of being emotionally affected by wearing different clothes. This makes me wonder if it's an acting thing or a Nimoy thing. He mentioned being influenced by Stanislavski, who I had to look up, so I wonder if he considers clothing an extension of the body which could sort of fit in with Stanislavski's Method of Physical Action. I need to start a petition to get Nimoy on Inside the Actors Studio!
-He second guesses compliments at this time, always wondering if they are really for him or for Spock. I guess it's understandable since there are many people that have trouble distinguishing between actors and their various roles.
-Nimoy is another Lieutenant alum. So far I know Nichelle is another.
-It's too bad he doesn't remember the birth of Spock's character. He probably had no idea the character would take over his life.
-Nimoy's thinking it would have been fun to play an alien that rendered him, as the actor, unrecognizable to the audience. Makes me wonder if he's had conversations with Michael Dorn (Worf) about his experience.
-OMG I had no idea the ears were that much of a hassle. Of course I don't know a thing about makeup in general never mind theater makeup.
-Spock is in the iTouch dictionary by default, lol!
-Nimoy didn't know the network wanted Spock gone before shooting even started only to change its tune after the initial air date. The suits kill me with their limited view of what the public will identify -_-
-I shudder to imagine what a car phone would have cost in the 1960's. I didn't even know that technology was around then.
-In a way we have Harry Belafonte to thank to the nerve pinch. During a concert Belafonte's body movement after almost an hour of stillness reminded Nimoy of the impact of body movement choices, which he used with Spock. So the eyebrow raising and hands behind the back are conscious acting choices. Guess that blows my little theory on Method of Physical Action and clothing out the water.
-Nimoy says Star Trek was modeled after Gunsmoke. Now I'm going to have to find some Gunsmoke episodes.
-It seems to me that Nimoy has trouble separating himself from the character. He talks about other actors teasing that was still in Spock mode and how it would take almost an entire weekend to get back to normal emotionally only to have to go back to Spock on Monday.
-Chapel was intended to be an expression of the female audience. Yeah, that says a lot about the perceived role of women -_-
-I can relate to Nimoy when he says it's hard for him to play a scene he doesn't believe in because it feels and will play to the audience as wrong. It's the same for me as a fanfic reader. If I can't believe whatever is being presented is something the character(s) would actually do without some sort of OOC disclaimer or plausible in-story setup I stop reading.
-Nimoy seemed to identify with and gravitate towards playing alienated characters prior to landing the role of Spock. It makes me wonder if anything happened in his life to cause him to be that empathetic.
-The thought of being emotionally affected by wearing different clothes. This makes me wonder if it's an acting thing or a Nimoy thing. He mentioned being influenced by Stanislavski, who I had to look up, so I wonder if he considers clothing an extension of the body which could sort of fit in with Stanislavski's Method of Physical Action. I need to start a petition to get Nimoy on Inside the Actors Studio!
-He second guesses compliments at this time, always wondering if they are really for him or for Spock. I guess it's understandable since there are many people that have trouble distinguishing between actors and their various roles.
-Nimoy is another Lieutenant alum. So far I know Nichelle is another.
-It's too bad he doesn't remember the birth of Spock's character. He probably had no idea the character would take over his life.
-Nimoy's thinking it would have been fun to play an alien that rendered him, as the actor, unrecognizable to the audience. Makes me wonder if he's had conversations with Michael Dorn (Worf) about his experience.
-OMG I had no idea the ears were that much of a hassle. Of course I don't know a thing about makeup in general never mind theater makeup.
-Spock is in the iTouch dictionary by default, lol!
-Nimoy didn't know the network wanted Spock gone before shooting even started only to change its tune after the initial air date. The suits kill me with their limited view of what the public will identify -_-
-I shudder to imagine what a car phone would have cost in the 1960's. I didn't even know that technology was around then.
-In a way we have Harry Belafonte to thank to the nerve pinch. During a concert Belafonte's body movement after almost an hour of stillness reminded Nimoy of the impact of body movement choices, which he used with Spock. So the eyebrow raising and hands behind the back are conscious acting choices. Guess that blows my little theory on Method of Physical Action and clothing out the water.
-Nimoy says Star Trek was modeled after Gunsmoke. Now I'm going to have to find some Gunsmoke episodes.
-It seems to me that Nimoy has trouble separating himself from the character. He talks about other actors teasing that was still in Spock mode and how it would take almost an entire weekend to get back to normal emotionally only to have to go back to Spock on Monday.
-Chapel was intended to be an expression of the female audience. Yeah, that says a lot about the perceived role of women -_-
-I can relate to Nimoy when he says it's hard for him to play a scene he doesn't believe in because it feels and will play to the audience as wrong. It's the same for me as a fanfic reader. If I can't believe whatever is being presented is something the character(s) would actually do without some sort of OOC disclaimer or plausible in-story setup I stop reading.
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