Jun 07, 2005 15:12
today was the seniors last day. very very depressing. pretty sure some of my favorite people ever were in independant living and now theyre gone!! today was probably the bvest class ever cuz all we did was sign yearbooks and talk and i love just being silly with them. tomorrow is the senior assembly and i think nothings going to click in until then. it doesnt feel like this time next year we will be seniors about to graduate. I DONT KNOW WHY but every single time i talk about graduation and college i just get really freaked out. it makes me nervous that some of the people i see everyday i will never see again. sure not everybodys leaving for college but still. things are goign to be so different and i think its finally clickign that its time to grow up and start talking about careers and such. it just seems like im just starting at bothell and all of a sudden we're registering for senior year and stuff. as;asasdf.
on another note. today was fabulous. even with the sad note of the seniors leaving i was still in a good mood all day long and hopefully tomororw will be good too. i have decided that random phone calls make my day. JUST to let you all know. i know you were wondering.
as for right now i am going to go eat somethign adn take a nap because i am exhausted from staying up all night doing the stupid independant livign project that was probably a huge waste of time anyway. at least i did it.