Aug 06, 2004 15:32
Damn, I haven't written in this for a while... We (Mara, Pammy, and myself) went to San Fran the other day. It was quite interesting. we didn't know we were going until Mara and i went to blockbuster and Pammy and Brandon we all like..." lets go to true love after work... we'll pick you up @ midnight" when they got here Pam said ...." uhh, lets go to san fran tomorrow. I said "cool" and Brandon said "Fuck i have to work, fuck yous guys!"
we stopped in Davis and bought tapioca tea at the old tea house. ME = banana tea, MARA = coconut, PAMMY = green apple. YUM... Seriously !
Nevertheless we went to a cool sushi bar and i said yumm... like a furbee, we shopped at ikea for like 556565654635865468654 hours.
And we hung ut at Pam's dad's pad, he has the greatest view of san fran , you can see the whole city from his flat. We helped Pamela's dad assemble his furniture from ikea, he told us we couldn't go out past 7pm on mission cause we would get mugged or raped or something... we left to "go home" around 11.
Then we quickly went crusin'... our 1st mission was to get air into the tires of pam's trusty bug mobile. we almost blew the tires from crusin' so much, then pam screamed "SHELL!!!!!" as loud as she could causing Mara and I to have a heart attack! We filled up the tires ad pretended we worked for nascar, then tried to decide where to eat.
We were between mexican and pizza when I seen a ice cream place open to my right. So we flipped a bitch and dined on " award winning ice cream" there were soo many awards there, and flavors... anyways... ME = green apple ice cream, MARA = Chicago cheesecake, PAM = strawberry oreo.
Then we asked the guy behind the counter where some bomb digity mexican food was, which he replied in a mexican accent " Taco Loco"
thus began another journey...
we drove up and down looking for a taco loco , shit even a taco bell would have worked. there was only 1 taco bell, it had no drive thru... it was closed.
We found a pizza place but when i went in to see when it closed there were asian guys there and i got to thinking... isn't pizza italian? i didn't think it was very authentic. Eventually we found TACO LOCO!!!!! And let me tell you it was quite loco indeed! the best fucking taco ever... well, i had a burrito actually.
Then with full tum tums we were off to castro, AKA gay town... the motherland YO. The Rainbow flags were beatiful, they were everywhere.
Pam had to go potty soooo bad by the time we got there, another adventure. We stopped at a gas station and after she talked to the guy inside he said he charged 1$ to potty, plus he had to see her ID. WTF i thought but hey, ya gotta go, ya gotta go, right? well after she went back to the car to get her wallet he said.. oh yeah there isn't toilet paper in there... so we were off again.
we drove further and seen a place called Orphan Andy's that as 24 hours. We parked down the street and went there... i pottied too and the bathroom itself was an adventure. It was so small you could sit and close the door and the door touched your there was graffiti and art in it and it was covered with little notes about aids. lol.
After that we walked around and looked for a place to get a little something something for Brandon since he is a special flamer and he had to stay home, on the way we seen a drag queen and we told her she was beautiful and we loved her. Her reply was she did it all for us, needless to say, i felt special. We stood on a corner and yelled at a cab driver for a while cause it wouldn't move out of a busses way then we went home. it took us about 50 min.which is really good. Cause pam went down the freeway at 120mph. Then we went home and crashed.
It was fun... ooh Mara is making me Sushi... YUM.