Well kids, today marks the five years of my life that i spent in Canada. Yay. It always makes me wonder how different my life would've been if i stayed in Korea...here's a few possibilities:
-could've killed myself due to school stress (1 high school student commits suicide every 1 1/2 hours from what i know)
-could've killed a parent.................hopefully not
-would NOT know a jiggity shit about tennis
-would not want to be an art director
-would not want to go to Croatia/Spain/Switzerland...would want to go to the US or Canada. muahahahaha
-studying for law school/med school
-would not speak English....well maybe a little, but def. not French
-would stalk every single white person i see yelling "HI HI HI HI HI!!!!" wanting a simple response
Hopefully I'll soon become a Canadian citizen......hehe.
+ + + +
Went to Markville Mall today with sister. She hit me again in the stomach in front of millions of people, because i didn't help unzip the dress she was trying on. It hurt for hours after, but since pretending that nothing happened is my specialty, i acted like nothing was wrong, but i was so fucking embarassed and in pain. i just want her to get out of my life completely. I hate her so much. It's like i'm being abused every single day, physically, verbally and mentally....my first memory of her hitting me is from like...when i was 3. She always says she's violent because my dad used to hit her when she was little, but that's normal in Asia. And you don't see ME hitting or mentally torturing anybody, when i was in worse situation for as long as i can remember. I hope she fucking burns in hell, and I couldn't care less if it really happened.
Okay, so this entry took an unhappy turn.
Tennis was rather weird today....Stoopid rain. Fed won though! I was kind of hoping Los will show me that he actually is a good player (the only time i've seen him play was against Brian Baker @ USO and he sucked that day), but he was injured and therefore could not change my mind again. Egad.
The early coverage ended at 12:30, but there's another coverage coming up at 11:30 tonight.....anybody know if they're showing rafa? Cuz then I wanna watch. And then maybe i'll be mad at the French crowd... right now i don't really care.
Hmm. on the second thought, nevermind. I went on MTF for a moment and I hate them already.
ART SHOW IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All you UHS kids please come :D
4 of my art projects are going on display I think....wheeeeee. I have to bring in those huge-ass things tomorrow though x_X
Okay, gotta go get started on F/T project. & make two more coin purses for the Art Show.