Which Cliche are you? I'm a hippie!! (duh)

Aug 28, 2005 14:40

Do you wear black eyeliner?: yes I do
Is most of your clothing black?: not anymore. grew out of that
Do you think about death often?: not so much
Do you want to die?: what now? no thanks, I have shit to do.
Are you a social outcast?: depends where I am.....most of the time no though
Are you pale?: It's summer, so I'm black. Ask me in Dec when I'm more of a light brown.
Do you like Hot Topic?: nope not anymore
Do you enjoy Tim Burton's Movies? love em!!

Total YES: 2

--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard? uh, no.
Do you wear Vans?: nope
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: only everyday
Have you gotten in trouble with the PIGS: yes I have, sort of. I always got off light/with warning.
Do you listen to punk bands: The Clash and Pennywise yes, anything whinny and TRL oriented no (.5 points)
Do you have any piercings?: yes
Do you like mohawks?: yes, I can apprieciate the uys that rock them. They usually are quite funny and have an ascue outlook on life
Do you wear Band t-shirts: no
Have you called someone a poser?: no
Do you think punk rock is awesome?: nah

Total YES: 4.5

Do you say the word "like": yes
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: I let my sister shop there and then take her clothes when she grows tired of them (.5)
Do you pop the collar?: NO NO NO NO!!! I HATE THAT TREND! HATE IT! AHHHHHH!!!!!! sorry. uh, that was a no by the way.
Do the people in Hot topic scare you?: no, their harmless
Do you watch LAGUNA BEACH?: I wish I could say no, but unfortuately yes....but I really hate it at the same time. I just need to know what happens. Damn, I've been caught.
Do you like pop music: sure, it can be good times
Do you want/have a little dog?: no I like cats.
Do you spend your money on expensive clothes?: it's usually on sale or at someplace like Ross. so no.

Total YES: 3.5

Is your hair long?: it has gotten ridiculously long
Are you a vegetarian/vegan?: Vegetarian for about 11-12 years. Holla!
Do you own a tye~dye shirt?: nope
Do you want peace?: yes. well that's just stupid. Who would say no I want total choatic violence.
Do you want to save the animals?: again stupid question. yes.
Do you think the war is unneccesary?: war = bad
Is love essential in your life?: yeah sure
Violence is bad: yes
Do you go long periods of time without shaving?: not TOTALLY long periods...(.5)

Total YES: 7.5

Are you from the ghetto?: kinda I am from the ghetto part of the northwest side. meaning my house is made of brick and NOT pink stucco (.5)
Do you own "bling bling"?: no, I tend to lose jewlery very easily. I would never trust myself with anything expensive
Do you wear do-rags? no
Do you like hip-hop?: yes. love it.
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: no. I don't know why people think that.
you believe he's alive?: he's totally alive. He couldn't have had like 3-4 albums worth of shit just lying around waiting for someone to find and release it.
Do you like afros?: I love afros! My hair used to be so big that people called me afro-puff.....K, that one kinda hurt but that's neither here nor there.
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: oonly if I am relaying something Snoop just said. (.5)
Do you like to dance?: duh
Do you call someone your homie?: I tried it once I can't pull it off. Even despite being from the ghetto of the Northwest Side.

Total YES: 5

Do you cry often? no
are you emotional? not so much
Do you like soft music: yes
Do people not understand you?: I say inane things and people look at me odd, so yes.
Do you write your own songs?: sometimes I make up songs when I am bored and by myself. Like, "I am hungry (WOOO!) and maikng a sandwich (YAA!). SAAANNDDDWIIIIICH OOOOHHHH YEEEAAAHHH!"
Is your hair dyed dark?: I don't think my hair could get any dark. no.
Do you cut?: no
Do you own haggard shoes?: my work shoes are pretty sorry looking, but that's it. (.5)

Total YES: 3.5

Do you play sports? no not really
Are they important to you? U of A basketball is, but that's about it, (.5)
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: i am the geeky kids
Do you like football?: I don't hate, but I don't watch it. I'll go with no.
Were you considered a bully by anyone?: My sister and mom don't like it when I randomly start pouding on them. (.5)
Was the person you bullied a total dork?: nah, thier family
Do you like to eat meat?: BLECH!!! BLAH! (me throwing up)
Do you only hang around other jocks?: no, I just said we're geeks
Is exercise important to you?: yes, very.
Are other people jealous of you?: yet again, we are the geeks, so I'm gonna say no.
Do you think you're hot?: I don't think I am going to beat my hippe score, and they are usually too unkempt to be hot. so no.

Total YES: 2

Do you surf?: no
Do you wear flip flops year-round?: yes
Is your hair shaggy?: it can get really messy and I just won't care that it is. (.5)
Do you wake up at 6 or before every morning?: even I don't wake up THAT early
Do you own a pair of surfer shorts?: no
Do you have a lot of patience?: infinate
Do you want to be at the beach right now? I'm quite content sitting here watching the cake compition on the food network
Do you hate tourists?: YES! I don't like the snowbirds here and I curse the ones in NY, cause they walk slow, block the sidewalks, and stare up at the buildings. MOVE IT or LOSE IT!
Do you have good balance?: in dance sometimes. in life; in life no--I trip/fall everywhere (.5)

Total YES: 4.5

Do you wear glasses: no
Do you get good grades?: yeah
Do you use an inhaler?: no
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? no, but I stick a pen in my hair at work so I don't lose it. (.5)
Does your mom pick out your clothes?: sometimes she points out cute clothes at the store, and sometimes I aksed her if the clothes look alright/ decide between outfits. but she doesn;t make the final decsion (.5)
Are you on the computer often?: I'm on right now aren't I?
Do you ever get picked on?: yes and no....it's in good fun (.5)
Do people laugh at you?: yeeeaaahhh. sigh.

Total YES: 4.5

Whichever you got the most "yes" on is what you are. (obviously.)
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