Emptied out of emotions, this space is as lively as an unplugged television.
There have been a few good attempts to pen down thoughts that linger a little while longer than the rest, or to keep a record of the many vivid and sometimes lucid dreams that I have been plagued with almost every night, in the hopes of retaining some of its authenticity. Every night seems like a new adventure, perhaps even a prelude on what is to come. Successful attempts, however, are few and far between.
Adventures. It comes hand in hand with spontaneity, enthusiasm and emotions that rise and fall with as much irregularity as the fluctuating sea-surface temperatures in the Pacific. One can find as much Adventure in an open grassland, a chocolate factory, a furniture store, and even in one's mickey-mouse apartment.
3 more weeks before the start of a 6months-long-and-grueling internship which in itself is an Adventure, only if I make it out to be.
Adventures. They suddenly seem so overrated