Week 1: Basic practice. The students will shoot at replicated ducks for a simple exercise in aiming at moving targets. (Duck Hunt)
Week 2: One Shot, One Kill. A replication of Price's own attempt to assassinate Imran Zakhaev, a single sniper shot from 800 meters away. Price will also happily debate the ethics of such an act.
Week 3: Live Together, Die Alone. Another exercise in teamwork, this time to fuel an escape vehicle while being attacked by seemingly endless opposing force (Left 4 Dead 2).
Week 4: Teamwork. An exercise in how a squad must work together to succeed. A capture-the-briefcase effort against color-coordinated enemies (Team Fortress 2).
Week 5: The Bigger They Are... An adventure in extremely nasty creatures and how to deal with seemingly unstoppable foes (Bioshock).
Week 6: Practical and Tasty Combat. A pie fight (The Three Stooges, NES classic).
Week 7: A Speedy Getaway. Replicating Price's own experiences again, the class will be on a speeding truck, defending from both shooters on other trucks, a helicopter, and finally deal with what happens when the truck comes to a speeding crash...
* * * *
Practical Marksmanship will be held entirely in the Danger Shop. It will be an exercise in team building, squad tactics, and shooting things. Scary things.
The weaponry will be simulated, and there will be no friendly fire. Price will not tolerate tomfoolery or goofing off and pointing the guns at fellow students.
This isn't a course in the horrors of war, though Price will keep a serious tone about things. He doesn't see gun violence as a game (irony!), but as an important skill. His co-teacher will have much more of a high-spirit about things.
A lot of the scenarios will have both NPCed opposition and the chance to simply mod your experience as well.
Any questions, comments, suggestions, requests to help NPC on a certain day?