Heh, actually, this is mostly for my own reference.
But, if you're interested in my life and such, you might enjoy this as well.
el-jay one: staying_strong(friends only)
el-jay two: __trizzle(protected)
xanga one: amazingnothingxanga two: yourcarelessmistake(protected)
photobucket one: amazingnothingphotobucket two: staying_strong(protected)
photobucket three: xprettyxwhenifallx(password: atreyu)
photobucket four: lovesongmixtape(protected)
photobucket five: triciasgraphics(protected)
photobucket six: triciasgraphicsx2(protected)
mindviz: amazingnothing(public)
picsfolio: amazingnothing(public)
pixparty: amazingnothing(public)
deviantart: umerla(public)
faceparty: pushmeaway8724(public)
El-Jay = Livejournal = Personal Life of Self.
Xanga = Personal life of self.
Photobucket = Pictures of self, avatars, backgrounds, icons, friends, obsessions, etc.
MindViz = Online Community.
PicsFolio = Short blog and Pictures of self and friends and misc.
PixParty = Online Community.
DeviantArt = Online Art Community.
Faceparty = Online Community.
(protected) = only close friends can view entries/pictures.
(friends only) = comment and you shall be added.