(no subject)

Sep 05, 2011 20:18

Player Name: Carbon
Character's Name: Wario
Character LJ username: staygold_wario
Game Series: WarioWare
Link to previous app: Herp
Age (If there is a change): 39 (shhh who cares if it's been like two years)

Canon point changes : Well, not much has changed with Wario. He released a couple more WarioWare games with his "friends," things but that's about it.
Additional history that happened since the last application (their history at the school before they left, what happened and caused them to return): Well, Wario ultimately left the school for a couple years to get some more money. He went on a couple more treasure-hunting expeditions and came back with pockets of gold, but ended up stashing it away in a super-secret safe. He'll spend it on loads of garlic and doughnuts, etc., but generally lives modestly, as he doesn't want to get rid of his money.

Personality Changes (ie, some characters grow are are different based on where they are taken from. Please write down any changes in personality compared to the first app): Wario has not really changed at all since leaving Smash Academy. He's still his same, greedy self. He hardly gets along with anyone, and will still really only do things for his own benefit.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):

Yeah, yeah, I'm back. Did you miss me? Well, TOO BAD. Health class is back, and so am I! Anyone who brings me some garlic will get five extra points on their homework.

Wait, what do you mean "What homework?" Of course I'll give homework! Yeah, play 30 minutes of my latest game. That's the homework!

What's that? Of course you'll have to buy it first! What, do you think these things grow on trees? I need to make a living too, you know! So come on, cough it up.

In-Character 3rd person writing post:

Well, Wario had been "teaching" here at Smash Academy for a week since his return. So, where was the money? No, seriously, where was it? He wanted it NOW. He had to actually teach something to these stupid kids and actually put in effort. He deserved a whole gold mine for this stupid job!

Apparently he wouldn't get his paycheck until the end of the month. Why did he have to wait that long?!

He had also gotten some... "complaints" that he wasn't actually teaching anything relevant to the subject of health. Well, health had never been of primary interest to him, but he always figured that it would be a pretty easy subject to teach. After all, when he was in high school, he slept through health class and managed to get a C! So how hard could it be? Well, apparently garlic was not one of the five basic food groups never mind that the USDA changed their entire food pyramid so there's way more than five groups now, and playing video games was not legitimate homework. He actually had to grade papers? What nonsense was this?!

This job was stupid and so was this school.

!ooc, !application

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