Nov 07, 2004 11:09
Chocolate Pudding is such an ugly food. It's brown and slippery. And it has absolutly no nutritional value whatsoever. It's really hard to believe people would enjoy eating such a concoction. I wish I knew how to spell concoction. At any rate, I do love Chocoloate Pudding so. The word Chocolate reminds me of the word Alcoholic. My great aunt asked me when I was ten or so if I was a Choco-loholic. She and her neighbor Nell, who is practically my other great aunt, used to take me and my brother to live with them for a weekend and bring us school shopping while my parents were getting settled in Maine and couldn't afford it. Melba and Nell aren't lesbians, though. And I was like "Umm, I don't think so," because Melba had probably found the word Choco-loholic used in some woman's magazine and, as she would and does, believed that teher was something in chocolate that could become absolutely addicting. I think I've used the word absolutly already in this entry. It's not one of those everyday words. Like fabulous. Absolutly Fabulous. Hmm, it's funny how that phrase is similiar to Stereotypically Gay. My brother might be gay. Wouldn't that be a hoot. I need to shower and dress. I love Sarah, of course, and shall be off to visit with her and Lova.