Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. -- "Anything said in Latin sounds profound."

Sep 18, 2004 20:48

O tempora! O mores! Cura, ut valeas! Qui habet aures audiendi audiat.
Tu fui, ego eris. Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere.
Major e longinquo reverentia. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas. Sic transit gloria mundi. Sic transit gloria!
Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis. Aegroto dum anima est, spes est.
Memento mori. Pulvis et umbra sumus. Momento mori.

Nil sine numini. Gloria in excelsis Deo! Dominus Illuminatio Mea.
Ora et labora. Omnia vincit amor.
Per aspera ad astra.
Gloria victis.

Dum spiro, spero.
In memoriam mea.

Oh times! Oh morals! Take care! Those who have ears to hear, hear!
What you are, I was. What I am, you will be. Hear, see, be silent, if you want life.
Viewed from a distance, everything is beautiful. But it is all vanity, emptiness. Thus passes the glory of the world. Glory fades!
There is no herb against the power of death. But As long as a sick person is conscious, there is still hope.
Remember that you are mortal. We are dust and shadow. Remember that you will die.

Nothing without Providence. Glory to God in the highest! The Lord is my light.
Pray and work. Love conquers all.
Through hardships to the stars.
Glory to the defeated.

As long as I breathe, I hope.
In memory of me.
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