
Nov 25, 2010 23:39

I just wrote a twist! I've never written a twist before. This really wasn't part of the plan. All that bit before about Mix explaining his inventions, etc, turned into this TWIST and I don't know where it came from but it makes PERFECT SENSE and I'm so happy I sat down to write this story this year because if I had continued writing it last year, I bet you anything this twist wouldn't be here.

Is anyone else starting to really get so into their story that they're making the same facial expressions they make when books they READ have similar plot elements (like, for example, that "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED" twist face)? This is really kind of spectacular for me.

You may now return to your food comas.

(PS: I passed 45k 47k! today.)

nano 2010

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