Fest #2: Back to Basics

Aug 11, 2012 22:19

Fest #2: Back to Basics
We all started somewhere. Be it a tiny house in a small town with no hopes of escaping, or a big city where we felt like we hardly mattered. Maybe it was a loving home or a farm out back or anything in between. We all came from somewhere and our unique experiences make us who we are today. Your mission is to share with us those moments that make you you.
- Using any medium you feel inspired in, share with everyone your childhood.
- Entries can be posted anywhere - your journal, a different comm, or this comm (be aware that posts at this comm are moderated).
- You may show us your childhood or favorite memories however you would like - favorite characters experiencing similar things, images or graphics that remind you of your past - anything you choose.
- Please only enter in one medium at a time (no mixing of graphics + fic in one entry) - you may switch mediums each time you enter (entry 1: fic, entry 2: graphics, etc.).

Size & Length Requirements:
- Icons must be 100 x 100 px, under 40 kb, and be within the LJ standard. They can be still or animated. Please include at least 20 icons.
- Graphics must be at least 400 px wide and 200 px tall. They can be larger, however. Please include at least three graphics.
- Writing must have a minimum of 500 words. Please include a word count with your writing post.

- Each time this fest is entered, a member earns twenty points in the medium used.
- Members can earn up to one hundred points in this fest (five entries) - anything after that is purely recreational.

When you complete this fest, please fill out this form:
Points: (put amount of points earned here)
Medium: (tell which medium you used)
Link to Work: link

Need inspiration? Check here!





1) What is one positive/happy memory you have that stands out in your mind from your childhood? Was it your first family vacation? A holiday gift? Maybe a birthday party?
2) What is one negative/sad memory you have that stands out in your mind from your childhood? A childhood injury? The loss of a family member? Maybe just falling and skinning your knee?
3) Where was your favorite place to play? Did you have a favorite toy? Maybe a best friend? A favorite hang out spot?
4) Who impacted you the most when you were a child? Did you spend a lot of time in the garage with a a parent or grandparent? Maybe you hung out in the kitchen? The backyard?
5) Tell us about the moment that your childhood was over. Was it the moment a new sibling arrived? Maybe something you'd loved for years was suddenly over?

Please ask any questions in the thread below. Entries for points must be posted in a new comment (not in response to any sort of thread). You do not need to use any prompts or styles of images from above - they are just there to try to get your creative juices flowing.

*fest 2, !fests

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