woo for random pointlessness. or pointless randomness. whatevs.

Jan 03, 2005 17:18

I need something new for my userinfo. Any bright ideas? School just started and whatever creativity I have is all bleh right now =[

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Stop making silly resolutions.

Get your resolution here


It was all foggy today which would be boring except it's Boulder and it's never foggy here so you get funny stories like this:
Kelsey's Mom: Oooh, look at all the smoke outside.
Kelsey: Fog.
KM: Check the news, I bet it says where the fire is.
Kelsey: I bet it won't, because it's fog.

...and, wow, I just realized how easily amused I really am.

And ooh, Rabbit Hole Day (January 27) seems interesting. If I remember, I will participate.

I still really want the O.C. DVDs. My parents owe me $90 but my father is being a supercalifragilistic butt about money right now. It's all about this mid life crisis crap. Frankly I just want it to be over so I can have my DVDs. [/whiny brat mode]

Which reminds me that I haven't done my Christmas present list yet. But I won't. I'm sure you've read enough of them already.

Hannah and I are trying to become charades champions a la Will & Grace.

P.S. I'm not going to Paris until spring break. Yes, I am a gun-jumper.
P.P.S. Sorry I've been LJslacking. I'll catch up.
P.P.P.S. Maybe.
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