Dec 06, 2004 17:25
Only 4 days left of classes and only 3 days of finals!!!!! I am almost done with my first semester of college and in a way that scares the hell out of me. One more step closer to that uncertain real world. I think that is what scares me so much because everything is so uncertain. I hate it....not knowing anything and wanting and wondering about everything.
Last week was kind of shitty. But it's over and I have moved on....for the most part anyway. Some stuff is still tough to think about but that's expected. Tough times have happened and I'm sure that there are still many more to come. Positive outlooks are hard.
On Saturday, me, Carly, Maria, Lauren, and Katie went to New York City. It was definitely an awesome trip and I am so glad that we went. We watched the movie The Italian Job on the way there and it is a good movie. I recommend it. We arrived in the city around 12:15 and got our tickets to the Broadway show The first ever Broadway show and certainly the first of many more to come. We were allowed to walk around the city for awhile so we went to Times Square. We went to the Toys R' Us and there is this awesome ferris wheel that I desperately wanted to go on but we didn't have time and it was majorly crowded in there. We went to this very fast paced pizza place and I had a yummy pepperoni calzone. We then headed to the theater for the show. It was awesome. Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick weren't in it but it was still awesome. We had very steep and scary balcony seats with absolutely no leg room and it felt like we climbed a tower to get there, but it was worth it in the end. It was definitely my type of play. After the show was over we took our picture outside and the lady cut off the sign but it was all good. We were able to walk around some more so we went down and saw Radio City Music Hall. We successfully found a not too busy Starbucks out of the 208098 in NYC. I had a cold drink....what was I thinking? That was also my first time in a Starbucks. I am a deprived child. We had seen a Coldstone on our way to the theater so we tried to find that and after a way's walk we did. Also my first time at Coldstone....whoa what a weekend of firsts! I had a yummy concoction called candy land, which consisted of cake batter ice cream, snickers, kit kats, and m&ms. I need to go to the one in Newport ASAP. Then we walked and found Rockefeller Center and I took pictures of the beautiful tree. My ultimate goal is to go ice skating in Rockefeller one day. We then headed home and watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Classic movie. Got back around 9:15. Carly was an awesome bus buddy!!!!
So we went to bed kind of early because we had a busy day and had gotten up early. But at approximately 4:53am the fire alarm went off because some fucker decided to set the bulletin board on the third floor right below my room on fire. So the entire dorm had to go outside in the cold. They only made us stand out there for 15 minutes, but still it disrupted me from a peaceful sleep and I still froze my ass off. So everyone came back up and wrote pissed off away messages. As I recall, I think that mine had fuck in it at least four times. So that was the beginning to an awful Sunday.
So me, Carly, and Maria planned on catching the 1:50 shuttle. It was 1:35 and we still hadn't gotten our food. So we scarfed it down and we somehow still managed to miss the shuttle because it came early. So we went to the dorm and decided to try to catch the 2:45 shuttle and it fucking came late. So we did out business in Hamden and went to catch the 4:10 shuttle home and it never fucking came!!!! Security said that it did but I personally don't think that it did because we watched out for it from McDonald's. So we waited until after 5:15 for the shuttle and I was pissed off! And then we had a door decorating contest and ours didn't win shit even though we worked the hardest on it and it rocked. And we had a 4th floor Ledges dinner and by the time I got to the food there wasn't anything left. Again pissed off. The night ended off well though. I didn't get anything done but Dan came up and we talked until 2am. Hence why I wrote 2 papers today in less than 3 hours. Yay for that.
Hopefully a good week but I am terribly afraid of Friday and my biology lab practical. AHHHHHHH....
Home this weekend for my and my grandfather's annual date to PPAC to see The Nutcracker and then to Twin Oaks afterwards. Suhweet.