The Joy

Apr 28, 2008 13:03

Prior to testing, the hubby had joked that I might be pregnant.  That's when I decided to do the big test.  So I tested myself on 11th Dec 2007 -  a week after missing my period and 3days of spotting.  It was a light Positive.  He went "How could it be?"  when I showed him the pregnancy kit.  Guessed we were both in shock.  Afterall, we have been trying for a baby for more then six months and had our fair share of negative results.  Infact, we were beginning to take things slow since October due to his work commitment.  I guess it was God's plan.  It was a very pleasant early Christmas pressent and I cannot say how thankful we are for this little life growing inside me.

When I went to Dr Geraldine the following day to do a scan, she could not find the little Pie.  I was so worried.  So she did a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and I was told to wait for the her call.  During the wait, thousands of "What Ifs" race throught my mind.  What if it was a chemical pregnancy? What if it was an etopic prenancy?   I couldn't concentrade at work.  The hubby refused to admit he was going to be a daddy untill we got the clinic's confirmation.  The clinic assistant called at 5pm, some 6hours after the blood test. was a POSTIVE!!!  I was delighted.  The results revealed that I was only about 4weeks pregnant, which was why the scan could not picked up the Pie yet.  I wasn't even sure when we conceived the Pie!!!

What followed was breaking of the good news to both our parents.  Their reactions were amusing.  My mother's first words were "When?" and I was like " Now?"  My mother-in-law was smiling when I told her.  I guess they were just as shocked as we were.  After all we have been married for more then 3years and had showed no signs of being ready for parenthood.  *Grins* We were good at concealing ok!!  I was ready for quite a while and had wanted to try for a Piglet.  But the hubby was enjoying his freedom and only agreed to babyhood after CNY last year.

And there was the big task of chossing a Gynea for the delivery of our little pie.  I was contemplating between Dr Geraldine (my usual gynea) and Dr Lawrence.  The hubby said to give Dr Lawrence a try since Carolyn & Kelly's babies were all delivered by him.  Most important of all, he was very affordable.  STINGY!!!  *hehe*  Guess he was just being practical.  Save the money for the pie.  Or my shopping expenses *GRINS*.

We made the first visit to Dr Lawrence after Christmas and he did a scan for us.  Dr Lawrence assured us that the little Pie was doing well and even showed us the heart beats.  We were relieved.  I was only about 6weeks pregnant and my EDD was 20th Aug 2008 - I learnt later that it was the same as Carolyn's.  Except that it was 1year earlier for her. *hehe*  Talk about coincidence!!  It was amusing looking at the scan pictures.  To our naked eyes, it was just a tiny black dot.  But it was our tiny dot!! Our little Pie.  Our seeds of love. *hehe*  I was just so delighted at being pregnant and was looking forward to every inch of pregnancy.  At this stage, we were told not to announce the news just yet.  Hey, this was coming from Dr Lawrence okay!!  His logic was of course, based on medical grounds :)

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