If you're in that minority, you're not alone. I am baffled as to why our government can't honor marriage between two people of the same sex. From a legal perspective, marriage is a contract between two people, hence the idea of shared property and whatnot. It holds no requirement of love, or that the church be involved in that union whatsoever. The notion of banning it for religious reasons is absolutely ridiculous. Even the religious debate within churches is tricky, because there isn't a clear answer in a lot of respects, particularly because it deals with scriptural interpretation, and scarier than that, trying to determine God's will (I won't even touch that one). At any rate, glad the bill didn't even come close to passing in the Senate, and hopefully our government will get over itself, allow the marriages, and work on more important things - like lack of education, extreme poverty and hunger, oh yeah, and attacking Iraq for oil. On the church front, if I ever return to the blogging world hopefulyl I can post something about the PResbyterian Church (PCUSA)'s General Assembly which meets this month and is expected to address what ultimately will affect the way homosexuality is treated in our denomination - from ordination to marriage. We'll see . . . ok, there's my two cents. hope you're well!
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