(no subject)

Apr 19, 2006 13:57

Ok, so I caved into peer pressure again. Myspace. (name: immaculateconnection). Mostly because it seems like a more communicative tool than livejournal. This way, though, I can keep the personal stuff here, but put more general national-community stuff there. So if anyone has any pictures they think I should post, let me know... I'm not good about this sort of thing.

Meanwhile craziness continues. My current to-do list:
1. Figure out how to get around Dr. McCutchen difficulties
2. Try to reschedule my CASNR talk
3. Write my CASNR talk
4. Write my BCMB talk
5. Pass my exams
6. Re-learn the girly blues routine
7. Other things that aren't on my mind at the moment.

I have accomplished some things, finally.

Oh, and #8- borrow money from parents. Grumble. The award check isn't coming in until May, so I can't make my car insurance without a loan from my parents. Gah. Hope they can help.
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