Operation: Mouthful of Plastic. Day 2.

Sep 05, 2006 21:10

I'm still uncomfortable, and I'm not surprised. I did some research, and apparently, the pain/discomfort peaks on the 2nd-3rd day, and gets a lot better after that.. until you change trays, that is. Still, it's only every three weeks, so it won't be that bad. Things I'm noticing that I haven't thought of before.. I'm drinking a lot less soda now, and doing a lot less snacking. After all, you can't eat with the trays in, and it's not pleasant taking them out and putting them back in again. As a result, I'm drinking a lot more water, and eating a lot less food. There's a diet for you.. haha. Oh, and it occurred to me that this would be the perfect way to stop biting your nails. I couldn't even if I wanted to right now. I'm a little worried my awesome vampire fangs might lose some of their prominence as the adjacent teeth rotate into place, but.. well, we'll see what happens, I suppose. I tried to take pictures of my teeth for before/after comparison purposes, but my camera's such shit that it's not going to happen. The pictures are so blurry you can't even tell they're teeth. I did, however, manage to upload some pictures of my room this year.

Le Bathroomiere, which is far roomier than the bathroom last year. The tub is small though, and the showerhead is low. I bought a wrench to take it off and replace it with Margie's old shower head, but the wrench isn't big enough. Grr.

Immediately to the left of the bathroomiere is my fridge/microwave/computer/desk/etc. The keyboard tray sucks - I can't fit my hands in it with the drawer closed.. which is how I like to use it. The desk is also smaller than the Beauj desks, but that's okay, because my room is far bigger.

Continuing to turn to the left, is my bed, window, and TV. This is the original setup, but I'm considering some rearranging, perhaps around winter break. We'll see.

One more little turn and you can see my dresser/hutch, closet, and lava lamp. I'm using this as my food storage area, since.. I don't like putting my food where careless roommates can eat it. Plus, if I keep my dishes in here, they can't accuse me of not doing my share of the dishes. Also, I SWEAR I have shirts in color. You just can't see them in that picture. I have a few brown ones and even a red/maroon one.

I just got back from some climbing, and I'm all sore and sweaty. I think I'm gonna go take a cool shower to take care of the sweaty, then a hot bath to take care of the sore. And some Tylenol to help take care of the ache in my face.

moving, college, exercise

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