
Apr 17, 2006 22:23

No, I didn't stutter.. that's four surveys.

1. Can you tap dance?:
No sir, I cannot. I can't even regular-dance.

2. Do you own a pair of see-thru underwear?
Haha, no.. but I did just buy two new pairs of boxers at the Gap last weekend. They were on sale, and I needed to get my purchase above $75 so they'd take off $15 for the other Easter sale thing.

3. What color is the sky today?:
It WAS a beautiful blue with white fluffy clouds, but a little cold.

4. Do you own a classic brown teddy bear?:
I think I've got one in my closet. Oh, and a Build-A-Bear I made with Margie.

5. Is your favorite holiday Christmas?:
Yep. I'm cliche, sue me.

6. Is there a candle by you?:
No, I'm at Margie's and she doesn't have any.

7. If you had an iPod mini, what color would you have?:
I'd get a gray one, except 1) they're not for sale anymore, and 2) I already own three iPods.. a black nano, a white iPod color, and an old first generation one.

8. What song are you listening to?:
None.. Margie was composing something for her junior project, but she's off taking a shower now.

9. Is it your favorite song?:
No, but I think it sounded really pretty.

10. How many myspaces have you had?:
I just have one. Why would I need any more?

11. Have you ever made a myspace survey?:
No, but I think I made a couple here on LJ.

12. Are you wearing any jewlery?:
Just my puzzle ring.

13. Where does your grandma live?:
One of them lives in southern California, in Barstow, and the other is living next door to my aunt in Florida.

14. Are you an angry drunk?:
No, I seem to be a silly one.

15. Do you prefer pen or pencil?:
If it's math or a lab, I use pencil. Otherwise, pen.

16. Are you wearing deodorant?:
Always. Today it's Old Spice Fresh.

17. Ever been in an earthquake?:
Yeah, a few. There was the big one in 1989, then a bunch of random little ones over the past years.

18. Is your birthday this month?:
Not unless this month is January. Judging by my being on spring break, it is not.

19. Do guys suck?:
In general, everyone sucks. The exceptions, of course, are my friends and their friends.

20. Are you afraid of the dentist?:
Nope.. I just don't like going. They always yell at me for not flossing enough (which I don't, but that's not the point), and they cost money.

21. Do you know exactly what car you want?:
Not exactly.. I want something sporty, but fuel efficient too.

22. Have you ever bought something from ebay?:
Yep. My most popular gifts (the glow in the dark keyrings) came from eBay, as did a lot of the faceplates for my old cell phone.

23. Ever seen "boy meets world"?:
Haha, yeah.. I used to watch it all the time. Corey reminded me of me.

24. Own a locket?:

25. Do you share a locker?:
Never have, never will.

26. Ever dissected anything?:
Yeah, we had to do a starfish in HS biology, a pig fetus in middle school, and a lung or heart or something in elementary school.

27. Ever had a referral?:
No, assuming you mean the school disciplinary kind.

28. Still play with legos?:
No, they started to get too expensive. But man, I used to love em.

29. Do you know when Easter is?:
Yesterday, of course.

31. Last time you wrote a note?:
I don't know.. I usually write my parents a note when I'm going somewhere or not coming home for the night or something.

32. Ever been on a cruise?
No, but I REALLY want to go on one.

33. Ever gotten pregnant by someone on a cruise?:
Haha, no.

34. Dyed your hair?:

35. Like your handwriting?:
It's okay.. I neither like nor dislike it.

36. Do you eat?:
No. Never.

37. Are you wearing lotion?:
No, I don't do lotion.

38. Last time you talked on the phone?:
Probably.. yesterday night?

39. Do you know Victoria's Secret?:
Shh.. don't tell.. but Victoria's a guy.

40. Are you nice?:

41. Ever been in love?:

42. What were you last halloween?:
Bored.. haha.

43. Ever met a midget?
No, but I've seen them around. There's one at SSU that wears the cutest little trenchcoat.

44. Ever been to Cuba?:
Nope. I hear they shoot Americans there.

45. Ever cut yourself shaving?:
Yes. I ask you, how does one cut himself shaving with an electric razor?

46. Ever owned an exotic pet?:

47. Is it your birthday?:
Seeing as how we've established that my birthday isn't even this month, I believe it would be safe to assume that my birthday is not today.

49. Had a good day?:
A busy day, but not bad at all. I went to classes with Margie, helped her out on her stupid Excel lab, saw a cool movie about the moons of the solar system, fixed her printer.. we did a lot.

50. How long did this take you?:
Just about 15 minutes or so.

b e s t
1. Male friend: I'm going to have to go with David still.. even though we haven't talked in ages.
2. Female friend: Linda (Margie, you're my girlfriend, not my "female friend.")
3. Vacation: Last summer's Disneyland trip.
4. Age: 21.. because I am.
5. Memory: Too many to even begin.

w o r s t
1. Time of day: Between 4am and 10am.
2. Day of the week: Definitely Monday.
3. Food: Cheesecake! Ewww!
4. Memory: Probably junior prom.

l a s t
1. Person you saw: I'm staring at Margie right now, while she's working on homework (she's back from her shower, of course).
2. Talked to on the phone: Margie's mom, letting her know that we didn't die on the way to Davis. My cell phone's the only one that works in her apartment.
3. Hugged: Margie! I'm about to go hug her soon, but she doesn't know it.
4. Text: Probably Margie again.
5. IM: Margie, while we were in her computer science class. Passing notes is SO 20th century.

t o d a y
1. What are you doing now: A survey, retard. No, I'm just keeping myself busy while Margie works on homework.
2. Wearing: Jeans, a gray t-shirt, socks, and my new boxers.
3. Better than yesterday: No, because yesterday was Easter.

t o m o r r o w
1. Is: after today!
3. Goal: To survive.
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Waking up early.

f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 21
2. Why is that your favorite number? I was always #21 when we did class numberings and stuff in elementary school.
3. Song: I don't have one at the moment
4. Color: Tealish
5. Season: Summer! No school! And besides, I like warm better than cold.
6. State: California. It's the only one I've ever lived in long enough to love.

c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: I miss a lot of friends.
2. Mood: Okay.. kinda lethargic, kinda tired.
3. Wanting: Everything to be easy.

True or False?

I am a cuddler -- Only with the proper cuddle-ee
I am a morning person -- False. I hate mornings, but I'm good at waking up for them.
I am a perfectionist -- Very much true.
I am an only child -- False. I have an older brother.
I am currently in my pajamas -- Nope.
I am currently pregnant -- Thank GOD no.
I am currently single -- Very much false.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart -- False
I am okay at styling other people's hair -- False. I can't even style my own.
I am left handed -- False.
I am addicted to my myspace -- False. I rarely check myspace.
I am online 24/7, even as an away message -- False. I'm rarely online at all anymore.
I am very shy around the opposite gender at first -- True. I'm very shy around the opposite gender all the time.
I can be paranoid at times -- True. I've been accused of paranoia more than once.
I currently have a crush on someone -- True. ¬¬
I currently regret something that I have done -- True, though I'd like it to be false on day. I don't like regrets.
I enjoy jazz music -- False.
I enjoy smoothies -- True. Peachy Pineapple from my school's cafe is awesome.
I enjoy talking on the phone -- False. I hate phones.
I have a cell phone -- True. Brand new Razr.
I have a hard time paying attention at school -- False, most of the time. Sometimes I fall asleep though.
I have a hidden talent -- True. I can kind of juggle.
I have a lot to learn -- True. Doesn't everyone?
I have a pet -- True. I love my cat.
I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl / guy -- In the past, true.
I have been to another country -- False. Canada doesn't count. It's like Little America.
I have been to Europe -- False.
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor -- True.. very unusual.
I have broken a bone -- False.
I have Caller I.D. on my phone -- True. All cell phones do these days.
I have changed a diaper -- False. Ewww.
I have changed a lot over the past year -- I'm not sure.
I have done something illegal -- True. I do many illegal things, but none that harm others.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color -- False. I've never had an unnatural hair color.
I have had major/minor surgery -- True. Both major and minor.
I have had my hair cut within the last week -- True. I got a haircut for Easter.
I have had the cops called on me -- False. They were called on a party I was at, but not on me specifically.

( ) Drank so much you threw up?
( ) Crashed a friend's car
( ) Stolen a car
(x) Been in love
(x) Been dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been laid off/fired
(x) Quit your job
( ) Been in a fist fight
(x) Snuck out of your parent's house?
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
(x) Gone on a blind date
(x) Lied to a friend
(x) Skipped school.
( ) Seen someone die
(x) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
( ) Gone to Washington, DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like dying
( ) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
( ) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Sex in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(x) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
(x) Gone roller-skating
(x) Ice-skating

1. Any nicknames? Yeah, I've got a couple.
2. Mother's name? Sandy.
3. What is your favorite drink? I've found that Vitamin Water is damn good.
4. Tattoos? No! Ow!
5. Body piercing? Ow again! No thank you.
6. How much do you love your job? I love my summer job very much.
7. Birthplace: Santa Clara, CA
8. Favorite vacation spot? I like to take vacations up to the mountains..
9. Ever been to Africa? Nope.
10. Ever steal any traffic signs? No, but I've always kind of wanted to.
11. Ever been in a car accident? Yeah, but none from my driving.
12. A, B, C, D, DD cup size? n/a. I'm a guy.
13. 2 Door or 4 Door? Four please.
14. Salad dressing? I like Catalina, Ranch, Caesar, and that really good sweet and sour stuff they had at La Fondue.
15. Favorite pie? Chocolate!
16. Favorite Number? 21.
17. Favorite Movie? I dunno right now.
18. Favorite holiday? Christmas is pretty good.
19. FAVORITE FOOD? MY FAVORITE FOOD IS MY MOM'S COOKING. (wtf, why is this in caps?)
20. Favorite day of the week? I love Saturdays.
21. Favorite brand of body soap? Old Spice or Irish Springs.
22. Favorite TV show? None at the moment.. I haven't watched TV in a while.
23. Toothpaste? Vanilla Crest
24. Favorite smell? Brownies baking! Mmmm.
25. What do you do to relax? Sleep, play games, watch a movie, read, take a bath.. I'm good at finding ways to relax.
26. Message to your friends/family reading this? If you're reading this, you have too much free time!
27. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Rich! Very very rich. Or at least not poor.
28. What do you do when you are bored? Take a nap or something.
29. What do you enjoy receiving? Gifts, of any and all kinds.
30. Where is the Furthest place you will send this message? I dunno. England, if Richie ever checks his LJ.
31. Who will respond the fastest? I dunno.

1. What is your current ringtone? I have like, five that go off. My default ringtone is "Feel Good, Inc." by the Gorillaz.
2. What is your current wallpaper? Some abstract black and white one.
3. Do you own a picture phone? Yes, finally. It's a video phone, too.
4. If so, what was the last picture you took? A random one of .. my cat, I think? I'm not sure.
5. Go to your text message inbox and type what the 10th text message says? It's a love song from Margie.. hehe.
6. How many contacts do you have on your phone? Between 20 and 30
7. Who was the last person you spoke to on your cell phone? Margie's mom
8. What service do you have? Cingular!
9. At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service? 5/5. They're bastards, but at least Cingular has good service.
10. Who's on your speed dial numbers? I only have two numbers on speed dial - Margie and my parents.
11. Do you have voicemail? Of course.
12. How many contacts that start with the letter J do you have and who are they? Jacklyn (someone who was going to give me a job and never called back), Joe (my friend in Kentucky), Joel (my manager from Apple), and Julia (Margie's little sister).
13. Who do you call the most? Margie.
14. How many text messages do you get a month? Hopefully no more than ten. Stupid paying for incoming texts.
15. Can you send pictures? Yeah, I suppose if I wanted to pay for them.
16. What are the first 2 digits to your number? 71
17. Go to your SENT texts..what does the first one say? "Still eating dinner. No phone battery. I'll call you when I'm done."
18. What about the 15th? I haven't sent 15 from this phone yet.
19. Who's the last person that you called? Margie's mom
20. Last person that texted you? Margie herself
21. Last person you added to your contacts? Katrina, my friend from Truckee
22. How many minutes are on your plan? 450 anytime + 5000 N/W + Rollover
23. Go down to your 5th contact, who is it? VM3
24. Wanna give out your number? No, not really.. haha.


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