I have to say I've only heard "Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory" because my boss recommended it. He also found a live show of them doing Dark Side of the Moon, and others, including "Sheep". I really liked Metropolis...I just love concept albums. I might have to check out some of their other stuff.
Thank you so much!!! WMAs are fine...that's what most of my music is. If I really need MP3s, I can always burn the music to a disc and then rip them to my hard-drive.
I haven't heard of Roxy Music, but I have (of course!) heard of Velvet Underground. I have a friend that's supposed to be supplying me with some of their stuff (along with Talking Heads).
It's more like thank you! If there's anything you want, let me know. I have, for lack of a better term, a shitload of Pink Floyd, but aside from that I don't know what else you like. Just let me know!
And yes, these are in WMA, because that's the format I've ripped them onto the laptop. If you want MP3s, just say so and I'll work on getting them.
Thank you thank you thank you!
And now, for some more Dream Theater. Having an external harddrive dedicated solely to music rocks. Will put the link up later.
Thanks to all of this music I need to upload, I have something to do on the weekend.
It's more like thank you! If there's anything you want, let me know. I have, for lack of a better term, a shitload of Pink Floyd, but aside from that I don't know what else you like. Just let me know!
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