[Billy, you ego-maniac!]

Mar 12, 2002 03:11

As much of a fucking asshole I am, one thing I don't do is gloat when I'm proved right about something. In conversation with Angus tonight, it was stone-coldly proved to me just how 2-faced Ellie and him are.

I might as well post that part of our chat for you all to see, as this is my final journal entry. That's right. Sorry to disappoint, but there will no longer be any soap opera. Sherri's journal is already gone.

It's time to raise above all this bullshit, let it all just fall away and experience zen with my woman.

Live long and prosper.

Grenouille(01:21 AM) :
Put yourself in my shoes,
you can't because you've -never- been on the ugly side. All the other guys from our group of friends has.

She tells me flat out that she is stalking me, my girlfriend and everyone related to whats going on in my life with my relationship and that's just fucking sick man, sick. I see her in person and she asks me all kinds of stuff. The one person in the whole soap opera of my relationship (which I'm sure it is for a lot of people) is Chris.

Add all of that up and couple it with -everything- that happens in the past and I'd say the particular formula is sufficient reason for -paranoia- , it's stressful man. I don't like feeling under a microscope like that and more importantly be fearful.

It's just a damn shame the way I choose to express myself was to lash out and say hurtful things.

Listen man, I haven't even briefly touched on this whole "e-mails between chris & ellie" thing, I couldn't give a fuck which of them said -anything- about -anything- . My issue is solely what I just typed out 2 paragraphs above.
Grenouille(01:22 AM) :
and now sherri has closed her journal and got a completely new one
and I'm doing the same.
lazyguy(01:23 AM) :
has anything i or she said made any difference?
Grenouille(01:24 AM) :
anyhting I mention from the past is me just trying to back up what my point here.
Everyone thinks I'm making this up in my head, but it's all clearly layed out precisely as it happened.
Grenouille(01:24 AM) :
I haven't read yet.. I'm reading now
lazyguy(01:25 AM) :
oh, he came up with all this bs, so i asked him if anything we'd said made any difference, then he said he's reading it now.....
so, he's an idiot for sure, but he still has a chance. a chance to be an even bigger fuckball
Grenouille(01:26 AM) :
Guy - you typed that to me
lazyguy(01:26 AM) :
i typed what to you?
Grenouille(01:27 AM) :
lazyguy(01:25 AM) :
oh, he came up with all this bs, so i asked him if anything we'd said made any difference, then he said he's reading it now.....
so, he's an idiot for sure, but he still has a chance. a chance to be an even bigger fuckball

lazyguy(01:27 AM) :

Grenouille(01:28 AM) :
You prooved my fucking point for me.

This log is going to be in my journal man
Grenouille(01:28 AM) :
This is un-fucking-believable
Grenouille(01:29 AM) :
This is what they call karma man.....

lazyguy(01:29 AM) :
oh well....
what a funny conclusion this has come to

Grenouille(01:29 AM) :
lazyguy(01:30 AM) :
yeah that's my response. you know me.

it's hilarious really
Grenouille(01:30 AM) :
What the hell is this all about man? I'm so confused...

I think you and her are two really fucking twisted individuals.
Grenouille(01:31 AM) :
This is how I think of a person talking behind someone's back as a joke, as in it can't be real... no one is that two-faced.
lazyguy(01:35 AM) :
guy i think it's funny because it's just like something you hear about happening to other people. i certainly didn't mean for that to happen, but it did, and it's mildly amusing.
when we talked earlier tonight, the way we left it, I was sure that our friendship was over, and i felt really bad about it. now that this has happened, it makes me feel horrible if you were actually offended by it. i merely find amusing what happened
you're probably gonna take this and tell the whole world about it. it's okay. I don't have a problem with being a spectical for someone's enjoyment.
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