Moving and general internetlessness got in the way, so this is mostly trivia with a few unsurprising facts that need repeating.
Just so you won't forget what a Venn Diagram looks like (via Sociological Images), also here's a
tiny dog with a tiny christmas tree and
something that will turn you off presents forever.
In terms of actual science,
here are men photographed in typical pinup poses, and oh, look an
orphaned baby bat!
Oedipus Rex also won the Bad Sex in UK Fiction award, totally deserved imo.
Stuff you missed in History Class is a great resource for trivia of former times, as is
magog_83's community
1066_andallthat on LJ. I particularely liked
this article about women who were ahead of their time.
I am not going to talk about the new CC v4.0 discussion since I am talking too much about them already, but leonido is over
here at netzpolitik. [German] Wikemedia's Sue Gardener talks to German weekly newspaper Die Zeit about gender disparity and wikipedia contributers and how their new WYSIWYG
editor should help. [German]
On the biopolitics front, I find the concept of
memory editing drugs somewhat disturbing (as is
a new drug currently on the streets in Russia).
Spot the animals! This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment in either of those places, but I mostly hang out on DW.