bluff, bluff, bluff the stupid 0gre~~~

Sep 19, 2007 23:23

First 0f all: amikara! Happy birthday! *snugs*sh0wers in confetti* Have a m0st delightful day! Night. Whatever. Y0u kn0w. *hands Janne in a Di0r suit*

My 0-key seems t0 have kicked the bucket, which means that I have t0 type like a r0x0r-b0x0r n00b f0r the next few days (until I get Füfü t0 fix it 0r manage t0 steal my br0thers keyb0ard). It's very therapeutic because whenever I type anything it feels like playing W0W, 0r as if I'm c0nversing in /g, which is g00d. I can simply think "/l0g0ut" whenever w0rk or Austria In General ann0ys me (everyb0dy is m0st certainly mad here) and refrain fr0m killing everyb0dy.

W0rk: I have t0 draft a c0ncept f0r gender mainstreaming guidelines f0r an NG0. Which is great because it's fun, all0ws me t0 get up t0 date with PUMA lit and it means m0ney. The catch? They need it by m0nday. Beye-bye weekend. /walrusface

University: Mad, mad, mad! Mad, I'm telling y0u!

24c3: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck why the hell did they have t0 ch00se steampunk? I'm n0t a particular fan 0f steampunk as a genre (an understatement), but with the p0litical situati0n in Germany why w0uld they g0 f0r it n0w? (And I realise that the ir0ny 0f s0meb0dy writing r0x0r-b0x0r l33t speak c0mplaining ab0ut steampunk is pr0bably priceless). Fuck fuck fuck get 0ff my lawn fuck gnaaarg. *b00ks tickets*.
Anyway, the m0tt0 is Full steam ahead the call f0r papers has just started, please spread the w0rd. Generally speaking CCC has w0rked very hard t0 get m0re s0cial/cultural studies and humanities inv0lved, s0 especially if you kn0w s0me0ne wh0 d0es research in the area 0f Web 2.0, F0SS and s0cial implicati0ns there0f, d0 get them t0 hand in a paper. CCC is always a blast, and hey, it's Berlin.

Als0, psych is made fr0m shiny.

psych, tv, my c0mputer sucks, 24c3, my university is mad

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