Title: "Discovery."
Pairing: Sirius/Hermione
Rating: K
Word count: 222.
Summary: An apple a day won't keep Sirius away. Drabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter
Adam’s bane shone rosy in her small hand. Her sharp incisors pierced, with an audible crunch, deeply into the taut crimson skin. Its sweet juices squirted onto her long, immaculate nails.
The low squeak of the leather sofa alerted Hermione to the movement of the male beside her; she spied him over her book, her eyes veiled beneath a thick fringe. She’d re-read the last line several times when she had noticed his long, thick fingers snake over the edge of the book. She allowed him to lower the large tome slowly towards her knee. She felt the rough skin of his worked hands circle under her chin but didn’t meet his eyes. Afraid of what she would do. She could feel his soft breath tickle her moist lips as his face leaned towards hers. Gently he gripped her lower lip between his teeth, sucking away the fragrant liquid that had dribbled there.
“Mm! autumn apples are sinful.” Sirius grinned. He casually picked up the broadsheet newspaper and shook it back to its previous position and continued to read as though nothing had occurred.
The book lay limp, forgotten on her a lap as the blushing Hermione stared dumbfounded between the red apple and Sirius nonchalantly reading the Daily Prophet.
“Discovery’s are the best,” she mumbled automatically, still in shock.