Nov 22, 2006 17:07
Just a few drabbles that I've made recently. None of them are really all that entertaining and I feel that they're rather plain, but after my last fic I did, I don't really care at the moment.
The air was crisp, cooling against her flesh that was warm and unsatisfying from the heat of inside. The sound of waves crashed gently in the distance and the trees swayed with the wind. Dull, but calming, her world was nothing more then normal, though memories would always prove of something different. Her limbs felt light, tingling with a common sensation. It was peace, full and pregnant in the earth and soil; in Spira. This was her peace, her serenity of battles and loses that laid silently in the past. She breathed in, pulling in everything- the air so pure- and breathed out. The feeling reminded her of life, reminded her of death, but tears would never do anything, so she merely continued to inhale. The taste was sweet, though a little plain, but it still brought a smile to her lips and a gleam to her eyes. The tingling doubled, now melting down her neck and cascading down her spine. It was soft and strong all in one; a sensation of loving reassurance. For a moment she was motionless, time seeming to stop as did the wind and sounds of gentle surroundings. Then, as if two heartbeats meeting in time, she wrapped her arms around herself and spoke into the wind.
"I knew you were still here."-
Minutes, day, maybe even months since her hand felt warm, covered by a torn glove cloaking strong and steady fingers.
Time, long since passing time since the sound of metal screamed in her ears and a solid figure guided the path home. Safety and the price of lose. Salvation at the price of separation. She doubted whether it was worth it all.
In darkness she saw a light attached to a blasting sound, rapid and repeating. In light, she saw darkness and horror, glinting eyes calling out to her. Rescuing, the saving of her life, she wished not over and over again if only she would have the chance to once more gaze upon a strong,chiseled face covered in sweat and blood.
It seemed selfish, but this rescue, this normal, safe life was not what she thought she desired. This place of security was unreal, unsatisfying, and why he, the rescuer that was far away, the light of a lamp was always much damper then that of the burning sun.