Feb 23, 2007 21:28
SELECT TOP 3 Food.* INTO Stomach FROM (Refrigerator INNER JOIN Pantry ON Refrigerator.Shelf = Pantry.Shelf) WHERE ((Food.Taste >= " & DLookup("[TasteValue]", "[Tastes]", "[Taste] = 'Good'") & " AND (DateDiff(dd, Food.Date_Purchased, GetDate()) <= 7))
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Comments 8
*high five*
Public Function Apology() As Object
Dim strSQL As String, Accepted As Boolean
strSQL = "UPDATE Public_Record.Statements SET Apology = True WHERE ((Conversations.PersonID = " & DLookup("[Person_ID]", "[Friends]", "[Name] = 'Dan'") & ") AND (Conversations.Inspiration <> 'Me') AND (Conversations.Date = #02/23/2007#) AND (Conversations.Topic = 'SQL'))"
Do Until Accepted = True
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Resume Friendship
End Function
A friend who has helped you move, I might add.
I hope that you're ashamed of yourself young man.
; )
Forgive me if I phrase this awkwardly, but it's my first time having to ask this..
I'm gradually drawing a huge poster of all SORP agents, so I was wondering what you'd want to be armed with and what you'd want to be wearing.
I'm trying to ask all of the SORP agents this, so if you know any that don't bother doing things online often, can you help spread the word?
Thanks in advance :)
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