mistakes made by ACS

Sep 20, 2009 11:33

ill start from the most recent date since its still fresh from my memory:

Friday Sept. 18th:
- pauline told me the night before the process of discharging steven would begin either 9am or 10am.
- she told me the night before it would be ok for me to call at 1030am to check on the status.
- it got busy for me at work so i lost track of time and it was 11am when i called pauline.
- i got her voicemail, i left her a msg.
- pauline calls back at 1150am, said that the process has already begun.
- 1pm i get a call from luis lopez who is with the foster care agency.
- luis tells me ACS called him at 12pm. that if he had more notice from ACS he could've arranged to have steven dropped off at my sister's.
- between 1pm-6pm i was on/off the phone with pauline, my sis, and miss edwards.
- pauline and miss edwards both stated they will have steven dropped off to my sister's.
- pauline calls me some time bet. 1pm-6pm demanding jeff's info again.
- i didn't have his info on me, and she implied i wasn't going to get steven back til i ''gave up'' jeff's info.
- come 5pm. i call luis. he said he is there with steven waiting for my sis to get him.
- i call ruby. she takes her son w/her in a hurry, jumps on the train to manhattan to get steven.
- obvious miscommunication w/ACS and foster care agency.
- obvious i got misled by pauline and miss edwards who claimed they were going to drop off steven at my sister's.
a little before 6AM Wed., Sept. 16th:
-miss sutherland from ACS and police come.
-finds chris in the home and removes steven.
-miss sutherland claims according to her paperwork i was notified they were going to come that morning to remove steven.
-obviously i was NOT informed.
-on Monday Sept. 14th, ACS went to court and obtained another order of protection which states chris stays away from both me and steven til Thurs., Sept. 17th.
-neither chris nor me were served AT ALL these papers. that is a BIIIG boo boo right there on ACS' part.
-miss sutherland told cops that the ACS had been looking for ME for months.
-she lied. i have been working with the same job for three freaking years.
-obvious that if i was being looked for, i was able to be easily found! and still am!
-around not sure what time( i have proof recorded on my digital camera however ): finally reached pauline so i can find info bout how is steven, when is my court date, when can i get steven back, etc. etc.
-i confronted over the phone w/pauline as to why miss sutherland claimed i was notified when i was not. pauline said she called me a few times on Tues., Sept. 15th but she did not leave voicemails like she usually does. strange.
-i asked her why was a voicemail not left for me to hear when it pertains to something this important as in the removal of MY child, she had no excuses but kept repeating, ''i tried to call u several times.''
-also pauline said she came to my residence on Tues., Sept. 15th to ''interview'' mark and megan. she did not leave a message or a note stating what they planned on doing the morning of Sept. 16th
-she did not come to my home to notify me, but just to interview mark and megan.
-pauline and ACS lied once again.
here is the record of calls and voicemails left by pauline which i have saved on my cell phone:

9/10 at 2:39pm- notifies me that i need to be at 345 adams street for child safety conference on Sept. 11th at 2:30pm.

9/10 at 7:50pm- reminder of my attendance for the child safety conference.

9/11 at 9:21am- notifies me that im only one required to attend the conference( at first chris was required to attend as well )

9/17 at 5:25pm- notifies me it is too late at that time to discharge steven into my custody

9/18 at 1150am- leaves me a voicemail saying that the process of discharging steven has already begun.

***please note that at exactly 2:30pm on Friday Sept. 18th i spoke with miss edwards because my sis had called me saying that miss edwards told her that i was needed to be there at my sister's at time of steven's dropoff.
first of all, NOBODY told me i had to be there.
it was made clear my sis was gonna be home all day to wait for steven's dropoff.
so when i spoke to miss edwards i explained to her its not that steven's not important but that i had missed enough work as is and need to keep the income going so i can continue to support steven and myself.

why is ACS repeatedly lying? harassing me for jeff's info? why have they misled me on different occasions?

also, the oct. 29th court date is for allegations.
yet, when steven came home friday night, it was not until Saturday Sept. 19th that i looked through his bag that the foster care had given him, i found the medical discharge sheet.
when steven arrived there at 7am on Wed., Sept. 16th, they already wrote a statement saying that me and chris were substance abusers.
that is first of all not true.
second of all, i am sure it is illegal to make such a claim when we haven't even been to trial yet!

also please note two important things:
ACS and pauline refused to help me when they knew they could have.
- when my sis could not be reached by calling her cell, they asked if i had her work no. but unfortunately i never had to have her work number since there were never an emergency such as this.
- my lawyer and i got the idea to call my nephew's school since i am sure that my sis put her work number on the blue emergency contact card.
- ACS called the school and the school said the only way they'd release the info is if ACS faxed over a letterhead proving that they were ACS.
- when i suggested ACS do that in order to help me bring steven home, i was denied.
- important number 2: pauline and miss edwards encouraged me to lie so that i could get into the DV shelter! safe horizon is located on the 12th fl of 330 jay street.
- they said the only way the DV shelter would accept me is if i lied n told them i was afraid of chris. when i told pauline i was not gonna say that cause i am not scared of chris, she turned around and accused me of putting chris before my son!
- i then proceeded to tell her its not that! i told her me, chris, and steven were and still are a family. im not choosing one over the other, i am choosing to have both stay in my life.
- if ACS thinks that i am going to lie to get chris thrown in jail, they got another thing coming.

there is just SO much to write about! i mean if it is such a important thing that they were gonna remove steven from me and our home then why did all those times pauline left a voicemail, why did she not choose to leave one the night before Sept. 16th?

also, before bringing steven home, i was not notified that my son had acquired head lice!

so now that my sis welcomed me and steven in her home, now she has the lice, her son, and me!

this is what i am saying bout ACS! why are they not doing their job???!!!

they should be re-named to: APPWAE

which stands for Administration for Prosecuting Parents Without Any Evidence!

this case has gotten me so upset! brought my anxiety level way up!

im going to take a break here, in my next entry i will be proving more facts.
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