Mar 05, 2009 01:51
I know for a fact you will see this since you are stalking anything you possibly can of mine. The first thing I want to say is grow up and act your age. Take a step back and realize what you sound like. Obsessive and possessive. And yes you are the one thats looking like a drama queen because you are the one starting all the drama. You pretend to like someone all the while talking shit about them. And sorry Im not a "cumguzzler" like you claim, but I sure will go choke on a cock... just not his like you think. :) I respected you for two whole minutes until you started acting crazy towards any female that even talks to Chris. I remember you first started flipping out on me when he asked me to call him. That being said....
This is the internet. Get a grip. Not everything on the internet, or real life for that matter is supposed to be serious. You talk about things on my page, like me fucking with people and their bois, which is NOWHERE on my page. I do not mess with guys who are in a relationship with someone. I said I do things to get a rise out of people. Joking around type things. And I do recall on my page says " I didnt steal your boifriend" where out of that does someone get i like to "fuck with people and their bois"? I do believe thats a reference to one of my favorite songs. So yeah. Im beginning to think you just like the attention that you get from posting about people who are supposedly doing so much wrong. What does what you write and screencap really prove, except that you are just making things worse? Last time I checked, a person is allowed to have friends, allowed to talk to people that they want to talk to. If a person flirts, well then let them flirt if they are not WITH someone. I cannot help it if someone flirts with me. Or any of my friends for that matter. First it was Brandy you were jumping on, now it's me, because you have put together something in your head and are determined to make anyone else but yourself look wrong. I am very much in love with someone, and it is NOT Chris. If you couldnt figure that out then you are more dense that I originally thought. I am NOT looking for a free ride to California, or whatever else it is that you think I am after. I happen to like making friends. Obviously if you would have done the research that you claim that you have you would know this. Seems like everyone else knows but you. The only one playing games here is you, because you are not getting exactly what you want. And all these people standing behind you arent getting everything, they dont see how you act, they just see what you write that makes you look like youre the one being wronged. And it's funny you keep coming up with things that have absolutely nothing to do with me, but you seem to want to think they do. And I have no idea what youre talking about with "falling letters and "xyr0x". Seriously, falling letters? Does anyone use those anymore? And no one gave me the link to your journal sweetie, thats just your two faced persona being paranoid. You need to stop twisting the truth to suit you. Now, I have wasted enough time with you. Find something better to do.