If you're a late Fall/Winter you understand the word Birthdaymas. My birthday being in late September my mom would sometimes combine my birthday & Christmas presents. I'm not complaining mind you because it always turned out to be a nice big present! Anywho, the point of this rambling is I've actually decided well ahead of Birthdaymas time that I all I want are pretty underthings & a new bed. I'll even pass on the underthings for a new bed. Seriously we need a new bed. If I have to pad over and repair the mattress because of another broken spring I'm gonna scream. Yes, it's that old. And after looking at and comparing mattress/boxspring prices plus a new bedframe... and of course I'd like a matching set. Yeah, ouch.
I would love to have this in black or deep red:
But unfortunately that would likely be considered the bestest scratching post in da whole world for teh kitties with the leather head & foot board. Nevermind the price! I'd happily "settle" for something like this, preferably a King size & black:
I still need to hunt around.
A girl can dream.
More realistically here are a few of
my Etsy favorites...
EtsyBuy HandmadeSWStitchery And there's always my Amazon Wishlists:
Movies Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, you know what I mean? A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, Ayy? Ayy!