Finally made it to TN yesterday after a cramped 16+hr drive (thanks Hon!) with 2 freaked out kitties. We made it though 5yrs together plus this move, I think we're cleared to be married now ;)
So. Hopefully there will soon be much posting of items from the Stitchery! I mean I do have my very sewing room now *swoon*. Pics to follow... as soon as I can a) get the place looking semi-decent b) find the camera and it's cable.
Crazy of craziness, I had an Etsy sale just before we left NY and now I just had another. This is good me thinks, yes? More bloomers it is! I just need to hunt down more of the elusive 1" stripe cotton. Good thing I put all the sell-ables in my Wardrobe of Win (tm) aka Gard Closet of Goodness (tm)!!
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swstitchery, so I apologize if you see this more that once thru the multiple LJs & my Myspace but I must share with all!