Sep 23, 2006 20:55
I had a nice japanese lunch with Scott, the mother, my sis & her hubby in Astoria (Atawa?). Picked up a couple bottles of my favorite wine, Ravenswood Merlot, on Steinway. Went shopping on Austin Street. I'm currently drooling from the scent of a red velvet cake being made for me! I was supposed to bake a cake for Scott forever ago but since my bday arrived he decided to bake one for me instead. Aww.
I got:
A $50 gift certificate to SPAce for a haircut, massage, whatever
Mushroomhead: Savior Sorrow CD
Skull pez dispenser
"Freaky Treats": Gummi fingers, fangs, bats and brains!
Skull & tombstone socks
Ghost socks
Black & Grey stripe socks
Orange & Black Stripe Fuzzy socks
"The Elder Gods" by David Eddings
"A History of Pirates" by Nigel Cawthorne
A white with earthy tone stripe button down shirt
An asian inspired black/red/white top
If anyone asks, I'm uh 29 (again)... yeah ;)
Thanks everybody for the Bday wishes!!! Much appreciated!!