Feb 27, 2004 14:04
Thats right kids...it's FRIDAY! Yes I realize I've only had two days of classes but that doesn't make me any less excited for a Friday. Good or bad, my midterm is done and forgot about now so my prof can go fuck himself. Class is over for the day and life is good, although my English professor is still a jackass. The highest mark he gave out on our latest assignment was 66% and he spent half the class basically calling everyone stupid. I got 60% so can't complain with the mark I guess, at least in relation to the class average. I still think he's an ass.
No idea what I'm doing this weekend. Seems the popular choice among friends is to get drunk tomorrow night (as if I expected any less from them)....only problem is we don't know where we are going yet. The landlord of the building we usually party at doesn't seem to like us o.O; I'm sure we'll find somewhere. Chances are tonight is movie night...Club Dread more then likely. I mean it's from the makers of Super Troopers, it can't be terrible can it?