Nov 26, 2011 08:02
Good lord, has it really been nearly another year since my last posting here.
Looking back at it, I see the usual voluminous diatribe about trying to be more social, plans which seem to have skidded off the road and ran shrieking into the woods, only to be met with a metal-crunching thunk, followed by silence and smoke.
And a little giggling.
My silence isn't due to being a hermit anymore these days, or depressed, or moping or all the other madness I used to sputter with a frequency akin to the decaying orbit of a noise-satellite. And its not because I'm not keeping up all the time. However in the last few months I've been bad at checking in on what the blazes really is going on in this glowing little corner of the digital universe.
I think part of is that I'm beginning to get past the need to constantly post about every thought or happening or worry. The funny thing is I've started to keep such things between friends and family lately. The catharsis and/or joy of just getting thoughts out to a small audience is fine for me these days. Its not to say there is anything wrong with posting into the webbiverse, for many people (read: millions) it works just fine, but I think I'm starting to become more interested in sitting back and thinking things through.
I'm starting to retreat from reactionary ways of youth, and really think about what problems are when they crop up for me. Its not to say I don't have dark days now and then, but I've worked very hard at not letting them rule my life anymore. Life is too damn short to drag the past with me. Its far to short to worry about what pages of the rulebook of life that I'm breaking, and what pages are stuck to the bottom of my shoe when I walk out of the room.
Truth is, I'm enjoying the time I have with my friends, with my family, and with cats. Though the cats are more overlords than family or friends (Please don't tell them I said that. They'll never let me hear the end of it).
So here I sit, with space, with folks I haven't spoken with in much time, and who probably thought I'd disappeared.
I'm bad with spaces I have online to be honest. I have three galleries, only one of which is actually updated regularly. I have a place to post about my weird little world and its equally alien inhabitants, but I keep forgetting to actually y'know.. Do any of that.
I think therein lies the problem: Too many spaces, and not enough meaty memory between my ears. The truth really is that I forgot about LJ in the last little while. Just as I've forgotten about my personal site, Deviant Art, and any other such place. I need to find a way to at least remember to check into these things once in a while.
I tried twitter briefly. I use it only to keep up with some really cool authors and a couple other peoples, but never post there anymore. Facebook was a loss when they became to slack-assed lazy to even bother running their site anymore. And even then, it was little more than a graveyard where my time would go to die at the altar of more and more obscenely marketed games that would literally call out to me, begging me to play them to keep up whatever inane task was required for 'currency' in their strange little digital biospheres. Thus, Facebook was tossed aside as well.
I'm on Google+, but I've actually kept the list of folks I follow very, very small. Mostly industry people, writers, and close friends. I don't share a whole hell of a lot there either, but that comes full circle to being a more quiet meat-vessel in these latter half of my thirty plus years on this planet.
So, I'm happy. For the most part. No, I'm not rich. No, I'm not a famous artist by standards which would mean vultures would charge high prices for my scribbles were I to drop dead, and yes, I'm still single with two feline overlords.
But y'know, I'm ok. Its what I am. And not to sound like that wanker from Saturday Night Live, I'm ok with that.
I haven't had this much self-equilibrium in many, many years.
Here's hoping your all well. Here's hoping I remember this little digital space again in the future.