Mar 22, 2009 15:55
I tried to see my sonn this weekend, but it didn't happen. Or maybe the right line is that it wouldn't happen.
My ex and I had an SMS exchange over the last few days trying to organise something.
Thursday Evening:
Me:Hi. Is Nicholas available to spend time with me this weekend? I'd prefer Sunday afternoon.
Her:Sunday Afternoon after his sleep is fine. Where would you like us to meet you?
Friday Afternoon
Me:Sorry for the delay. I was thinking of the Camelia gardens and the park below it. Just you, me, Nicholas and some lovely open space.
Her:I will call you when he wakes on Sunday
Sunday Afternoon
Her:Nicholas has not long woken up. What time do you want to meet?
Me:How about 3:30
Her:What ever. See you there! Just confirming it is in the park below the gardens?
Me:Yes that's right. And just you and Nicholas.
Her:Please foot (sic) start dictating who i bring and dont bring you do not control my life!
Her:It is your and Nicholas time not any thing to do with me and who I bring
Me:It is a time for Nicholas and me, not Nicholas, me and whoever else you may want to include. Please do not being anyone else. I won't be.
Her:Who I bring is none of your business. Like I said you dont control me. And hwoever I being will not interfere with your time with Nicholas. And I have never stopped you bringing anyone.
Me:If you cannot respect a reasonable request for my time with my son then today is in danger of being cancelled. Again. And Nicholas would miss out again.
Her:I have my mother driving me as I do not feel comfortable around you on my own. Like I said it is you time with Nicholas. I am there for Nicholas only, not to interefer in you time with nicholas either. Your choice, Nicholas is not missing our as we are on our way, and I will moot break my promise to him. you decide. We will be there.
Me:You've clearly made your decision, then. He could have had a good time with me this afternoon.
Her:No you've clearly made your decision. I wont be controlled by you nor do I take your threats lightly. Yes Nicholas could have enojoyed some time with you. He is having fun feeding the ducks as we speak. I have net my end of the visitation by bringing Nicholas to your requested spot. Your the one deciding not to turn up. Your loss!