(no subject)

Dec 09, 2008 00:40

Drumroll, please. It's officially Felicity Huffman's birthday where I live, she is turning 46 today. Since I worship her, it's time for a picspam to celebrate this fantastic missy. What I adore the most about this woman is her honesty, along with her ability to act from her heart room. Basically, she's gorgeous and wickedly smart.

Flicka's bird-day.


"As you grow up and get educated in the business, you go from,
'I want to do movies' to 'I want to work. In whatever."

"I've turned into one of those actresses and I'm sorry."

"In the new millennium, we're fighting against the icon of the perfect mother. I don't know about here, but in America you're not allowed to talk about how it's
driving you crazy, or how you don't like it, or how, if you have to give a bath one more time, you're going to pull your hair out. Because then you're considered a bad mom. There's a very established conversation or litany, which is, `Isn't motherhood the best?` To me, that question just isn't applicable. You can complain about your job, you can complain about your husband, you can complain about your friends, but God forbid you complain about your kids."

"I thought some lucky actress will get to do it. But not me. Someone with clout."

"You sort of stumble along and reconnect and lose each other and reconnect again."

“I know as actors our job is usually to shed our skins, but I think as people our job is to become who we really are and so I would like to salute the men and women who brave ostracism, alienation and a life lived on the margins to become who they really are.”

"I've aspired to be a truly transformative actor, the sort who can inhabit the
characters I play. And then the movie that becomes my sort of breakthrough role
is literally transformative. It's almost a little too serendipitous."

"The second time I didn't work for a year, I gave up any dream that looked like
this. I want to thank Duncan Tucker for seeing me in an off-Broadway play and
writing a beautiful movie that heals and brings understanding."

"She does love lavender because it's the color of transformation."

"I have been brought to the brink many times during the day, but I am also melted many times a day. My friend Tea Leoni says that your heart breaks open so many times during the day. And she's right: There were six gazillion of them just this morning. I was pushing my daughter in the swing, and she was laughing so hard she could barely breath, and she turned to me and said, "This is the funnest time I have ever had."

"Having it in your pants is really different. Because all your focus goes there. It's like this thing, dangling, which takes all of your attention. It's no wonder that it's all they think about."

"I've never been a beauty. It's not my thing. I mean, my face is fine, you know?
So I really didn't have anything to lose or to risk."

"We like this picture because:
We look like we belong together
--which we do.
We look smart, intense and artistic
--which we are.
We look younger than we are
--which we are."

"I'm so happy I can make a living at it, because I was never very good at math."

"I love actors. I married one. OK, I married a fantastic one.”

"I would like to thank the incomparable William H. Macy for taking
a chunky 22-year-old with a bad perm and glasses out into
a cow pasture and kissing me and making me his wife."

"I married a wonderful man -- a man of character and an artist.
He's always helping me on scripts. He loves this business as a craftsman;
he cares deeply about the truth, and he cherishes me and wants me to shine.
I am a lucky girl."

Also, pssst: be sure to check out Fabi's wonderful Flicka picspam for today. Completely blew me away, you guys. Go take a bath in all of the Filliam H. Muffman of it all, it's fantastic.

tv; sports night, people; rachel griffiths, picspam, people; william h. macy, quotes, fabi (fabiola91), people; felicity huffman, people; peter krause, tv; housewives

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