50 Books Challenge 09

Jan 03, 2010 20:38

This is a few days late owing to my marvellous trip to see humanshapes , but now I'm back and it's time for my

50 Books in 2009

summary post.
The full text list is here. But being that I am creative and also have way too much time on my hands, I made a collage with all the actual book covers on:

And now for my quick-fire summary:
Funniest Book:
Thank You, Jeeves - PG Wodehouse

Saddest Book:
Giovanni's Room and The Road both had really desolate endings.

Books I really liked:
Tipping the Velvet, The Remains of the Day, The Turn of The Screw, Lucky, The Time Traveller's Wife and Doctor Faustus.

Books that were a bit of a disappointment:
The Waterfall by Margaret Drabble. I loved The Millstone, which I read last year, but this just didn't measure up.

Favourite Author:
It has to be Elizabeth Gaskell, with special shout-outs to Christopher Marlowe and Alice Sebold.

Favourite Cover:
All of the Penguin Popular Classics (in the lime green) and Tim Burton's The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories.

Best Novella / Short novel:
The Turn of The Screw by Henry James

Best Novel:
It's really hard to pick one - but I'd say Catch-22

Best Play:
Endgame by Samuel Beckett

Best colletion of poetry:
I read very little poetry this year, so it has to be Paradise Lost.

Best non-Fiction:
A toss-up between Lucky by Alice Sebold and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

Most insane work of literature:
Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill. Enough said.

This concludes my summary. And now, time to proceed to 50 Books in 2010...

50 books 2009

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