May 24, 2004 21:17
ok so i shaved my head
ya big change from my long hair i had before. apparently, it was a controversial move. here are some responses:
TigerArmy1200: sweet
lostfaithful: noooooooooooo
xTheW0rldIsMinex: hahah
accel2410: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
FreakOUT itsTara: yay!!!
HopeThruSilence: hahaha!!!
best one:
SilverAndCold86: i shaved my head
m E d I c K 420: LAF
SilverAndCold86: what does that mean?
m E d I c K 420: laugh
SilverAndCold86: o wow im gonna blame lack of hair on that one
I atttribute any dumb things i say, typos, and bad grades on my lack of hair, for i believe i am Sampson.
Tell me what you think in the comments!