OkCupid! Politics Test
You are a
Social Liberal
(66% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(23% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (62, -100)
modscore: (14, 40)
raw: (1837)
The OkCupid Politics Test
http://www.okcupid.com/politics More Tests At OkCupid.com Explanation Of Results
We wanted to get beyond the two catch-alls of American politics, the Democratic and Republican parties, and see where people actually stand. Parties can bring together people with marginally differing values and make collective action easier. But party platforms can misrepresent their constituents, and blind loyalty to a party can convince individuals to harbor inconsistent views.
The goal of this test was to exactly classify your personal politics, without the traditional labels. We avoided the edgy party issues and focused on fundamental values. Your score is a measure of what you believe in, economically and socially.
Higher permissiveness, on either axis, indicates a "live and let live" philosophy. Of course, we're almost conditioned in America, "Land of the Free", to think positively of such a philosophy. But practically speaking, permissiviness (or its opposite, regulation) can create any number of outcomes:
For example, on the economic axis, a highly permissive system, like the American system of the early 1900s, might mean things like low taxes and increased scientific innovation. It might also result, as it did back then, in unrestricted child labor and millions of poor people with black lung.
At the other end of the economic spectrum, a highly regulated system might conserve the environment, establish national health care, and eliminate poverty. But as we've learned from the Soviet system, extreme regulation can also lead to stagnation, sameness, and unhappiness.
If you liked the test, forward it. Thanks for participating. How People Came Down On The Issues
49% pro-choice 31% pro-death penalty 41% for gun control 33% against the War on Drugs 17% for the War on Iraq
Election breakdown:
KERRY: 16,416 BUSH: 7,721
Last 10 laws suggested by Takers:
"I would dictate that... the law should not interfere with the personal affairs of its population except in situations in which the liberties provided by such allow one individual to personally harm another."
-ACK from Houston, TX
"I would dictate that everone would have the inalienable right to not die for lack of funds. This would take care of nationalized health care, welfare, and social security in one shot."
-JMP from Mansfield, PA
-TAM from san diego, ca
"I would dictate that... people will have to take a test to determine if they are competant enough to vote and have children. If they aren't competant, they don't get to vote or have children."
-SMS from London, Ontario
"I would increase the production of ethanol to remove dependance on foreign oil."
-MJG from Chicago, IL
"I would dictate that...child abusers be hung, drawn, and quartered"
-ARCA from Calgary, AB
"I would dictate that...those who were on welfare should have to pay us back. "
-JJG from Pennsylvania
"I would dictate that... the Bush's would never have power again"
-KLP from Saratoga Spring, NY
"I would dictate that...church and state should be seperated"
-ADR from Miami, FL
"I would dictate that...
act as you will so long as no one is harmed by your actions (harm includesn; phisical, mental, finacal, emotinal, or any other forms of harm not said here "
-MC from Toront, Canada
The OkCupid Politics Test
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