Sep 17, 2004 02:22
Well now, what an exciting school year this is turning out to be... Many things to be discussed, so many that a lot of them will be glazed over in my recounting of them; partially because to go into exhaustive detail would result in my death…well maybe just your death from possible boredom, partially because there isn’t much of a point to going into detail on some things; and partially because there are some things better left undocumented. For the last type you’re going to have to call me and take up my time =P. I ask for a bit of tolerance, I currently have a cold and I’m a bit loopy at the moment.
Hmmm…where to begin, perhaps from the beginning of all that has transpired since I arrived in the land of Smog and Smut? Well, it’s amazing and astounding to discover how much I was missed. I hadn’t seen so many cheerful faces in one place in quite a while. It was very heartwarming. This place I speak of was a party at Ashley’s place. Despite the atmosphere, I didn’t involve myself in the festivities much that night. I was concerned about something else then. That something else will only be referred to as “male x”. A little background story on male x; contact was first made through LJ, and then through AIM about two weeks before my actual return to Houston. In that time we had been talking and kinda getting to know each other, at least in the intellectual way allowed by internet correspondence. Truth be told, I had an interest in him and so brought him along the night of Ashley’s party. At the time it was enjoyable having him there. I later learned that a good portion of the people there got a bit of a culture shock from male x sitting in my lap. I was amused when Eric told me that he had kinda warned people not to mess with the “bald one”.Anywho, since he was there I was focusing more on him then the rest of the people there and thus I didn’t schmooze as per my normal behavior. Eh, it wasn’t like there weren’t going to be other parties after that. And so began the week long close correspondence between myself and male x. Considering how that time was just a blip when all the things that have happened are considered, I’m going to skip over the nitty gritty and get right to the point of mentioning male x; “What the fuck was I thinking!?”
It would seem that I was so fixated on the one thing he had that I did want, which was a nice big brain, that I went temporarily blind and didn’t see the brilliant headlights of doom. Said headlights would be male x’s arrogant intellectual demeanor, irritating stubbornness, unnecessary analysis of everything, the serious need for Bounce dryer sheets to be introduced to his affection and attachment, and utter social ineptitude. Its time for me to make a white wolf reference here, what with my being a Mage ST and all… Here goes: that boy was the inspiration for the five point flaw I’ve named “Attribute Retardation” in which one of your three attribute groups can start no higher than a one in each attribute. Fortunately for guy x, he spent experience to raise his appearance and manipulation to average levels. Oh he also assumed that he knew all about me and the way I am…heh, guess he’s not as smart as he thought. So enough about guy x, the only real important thing is that he’s essentially the measure by which I know what to avoid…
Hmmm let’s see somewhere in the midst of the week of guy x, daddy delivers me my shiny new Scion xA from El Paso. Those of you who have known me and my struggles for mobility since I reached the age of sixteen would have been sorely disappointed at my expressions of jubilation. There was hardly any, oddly enough, and I have yet to figure out why. I think it has something to do with general exhaustion. After five years of fighting the all powerful parental gods, the moment of finally getting a car didn’t have as much energy and excitement as it should have. I think I reached the point of exhaustion three years into the fight, so by the time the keys were in my hands I was just ready to accept it and be on my way. Understand, I was extremely happy to have finally received mobility, considering how I’ll soon be able to drive my flabulous (no that was not a spelling error) rear end to the nearest 24 Hour Fitness at the wee hours of the morning when I have the insatiable urge to lift (Just as soon as Kristina gets my membership set up. Its good to know friends in corporate places =P ), and I’ll eventually be able to drive Candy out on a date. You know… whenever we happen to be in the same city and all.
So as a result of now having a car, I’ve been driving to campus, running errands, transporting people, and constantly attempting to battle the elevated levels of cortisol in my body caused by the elevated levels of stress I’m being exposed to while driving. This is where I attempt to convince you all that road rage is a natural and adaptive result of having to deal with assholes and dip-shits on the road. I’m actually quite fine with driving around in the madness that is Houston traffic during the day. However since I loose all sense of distance and speed at night, I try to avoid doing such like the plague and/or “male x”.
Hmm, what other little amusing things have been going on within the whatness that is my life?... Oh yes! It would seen that God has been in a whimsical sort of mood lately in dealing with me, considering how he sends me a nice little package of what to avoid in a guy one moment, then turns around and shoots a bolt from the blue right out of his divine back side, delivering me an excellent example of what I would want in a guy. That’s right ladies and gents, I have found a guy who exhibits the cardinal B’s, but with one major problem…the bastard is straight. Oy, the fog horn of life is still ringing in my ears.
So yeah, as if this cool guy being straight would be any surprise right? Considering how it’s probably not too appropriate to go into any full detail about said cool guy, I’ll just leave it at him essentially being the best current embodiment of what I could ask for in a guy, along with some traits that would make things rather interesting. So yeah, I went though a period of infatuation for one of my friends, but have fortunately come to my senses. Well at least I think I’ve come to my senses. I’ve at least forced enough sense into myself to consider him as he considers me; which I think at this point is just friends. This of course is just groove-tastic with me. Hmm I really should stop making up words… *Sigh* there’s one out there somewhere isn’t there; someone who exhibits the cardinal B’s? Someone who isn’t straight as an arrow or queer as a football bat? Aww fuck it! If my recent experiences have shown me anything it’s that I’m perfectly happy with friends who care for me, horny chicks who would do me were I straight, and enough internal drive to always move in the direction I want to go.