Jun 26, 2005 13:11
hello daniel and me went to the pool with tony and addie and he wore shorts and its amazing. and he laughed. and he threw glasses which belong to adelle. he blew a bubble. stupid cum bubble. he sniffed. i dont wanna have sex with him. he is making me. hes a mean person. i hate daniel he smells like tickets from the bowling alley. he said funny. a haha hahah haaw aaha this is the randomest thing ever. he doesnt make funny faces. i makes the MOST AWESOME COOLEST LIKE WHOAAAA FACES. he spins me and i dont like it. mah hah mah hah ggguuuhhh. he snorts. times 466. 666^^^666^^^666^^^666^^^666^^^^66^^6^^@!#$%^&*()_. eweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweweeweewewwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee. i am wet. i dont like being wet. im gonna go change into clothes. BYEBYYE