
Sep 15, 2004 18:17

alot of the time I go on the net, I go onto message boards and insult people or just mess with them by saying completely random thigns and other shit like that. Some chick called me a loser, I said "damn straight I am and don't you forget it! Better than you people who have...GOALS and want a nice car and...stupid!!" actually I do have one goal, I just want to stay with my friends, other than that I could care less about where I go in my life. If I absolutely msut have a car then I want a bus, like the kind that hippies and surfers had. Those really awesome buses. And if I MUST have a job, then I'll settle for Jack in the Box. I just need food, tv, some good video games, and a house (which I've already, my parents are gonna move out and I'm gonna have thsi house, I'm gonna get room mates, it'll be cool, anybody can be my room mate besides people who want to kill me, other than that-everyone's invited to live in Mikey's house of fun and lazy) so...yeah. Goals shmoles. Forgot what else I was gonna say...

uh...I was only making fun of that chick who had goals because she was my enemy at that time. (she still is) but other than that I don't care if anybody has goals...

oh yeah!! And my step dad Jon is a conceited asshole alot of the time and Mr. Casey has no grip on reality whatsoever! Jon thinks that my friends aren't gonna want to hang out with me and are going to think I'm some kind of bum if I don't try to "succeed" (his idea of succeeding is obviously getting a good job and passing school with Bs and As...maybe a few Cs, he claims he think succeeding is just completing your goals but how come he gets so pissed when I say I don't care about all that stuff and I justw ant to stick with my friends? How come he tries to change the way I think about things? It's obvious he thinks succeeding is...what I said above) and Jon thinks my friends are gonna totally think I'm a bum if I do drugs...he obviously knows none of my friends. About all of my friends do weed...I admit some I'm not sure about, but still.)

I mean hell, Fletcher (who comes over to my house alot, my parents just love him, they think of him as part of the family, I'm not saying I don't, I sort of think of him as a big brother) and he does weed so my parents are both...dumbasses, either that or nerds.

if any fo this sounds bad then forget it, when I start ranting like this I usually get so caught up in it that Is ay things I don't mean.
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