(no subject)

Mar 23, 2010 14:23

Name/Handle: Devon
Contact: AIM- Devonna269, email- seekersplayrough@yahoo.ca
Personal LJ: seekersplayhard

Name: Noriko Ashida [Code name- Surge]
Series: Marvel New X-Men
Canon: OU
Age: 18
Noriko was born in Tokoko Japan to Seiji and Suki Ashida. She had an older brother Keitaro who she was very close with. Their father had an extreme prejudice against mutants, involved in the funding of many anti-mutant groups. Noriko had never been sure where she stood on that particular issue, but was forced to confront it when she turned thirteen and her own mutant powers manifested. There was some violence and arguing, and Noriko ran away, stowing away on a ship, and eventually making her way to the streets of Salem Center, New York.

Her powers had her absorbing electrical energy from all sources, outlets, appliances, and even static electricity generated from people. She had no way to control the levels she took in, and when the levels got too high her mind would race, thoughts becoming unbearably painful until she would overload, releasing the power in a dangerous purge. She self medicated, taking drug that would slow this process.

She stole, begged, and counter-fitted to get by, until final she decided she needed help. She went to the Xavier Institute, and was promptly chased away by one of the students for being homeless. She had another overload that night, harming a waitress, and when a group of students came looking for her, they found her buying more drugs. Assuming this was what was causing her powers to surge they fought to take them from her, and she overloaded again before being subdued by one of the student's powers.

Once at the Institute she was fitted for metallic gauntlets designed to regulate and control her ability to absorb ambient electrical energy, preventing further overloads. She started training with the school and when they adopted a squad system she was placed on the New Mutants squad.

She began dating team mate David Alleyne, but matters were complicated after M-Day, an event triggered by the Scarlet Witch. She caused 90% of the world's mutant population to be depowered. Nori was among the 27 at the Institute who retained her powers, David was not. Fearing for the safety of the students, the depowered were ordered to leave the school, sent home by the busload. Anti-Mutant activist William Stryker bombed one of the buses as it was leaving, killing all on board. David was not among them, and he and Nori continued their relationship.

The remaining students were being prepared as x-men in training, 'the New X-Men', and Nori was shocked to be chosen as their leader. Forge made her new gauntlets, lighter and stronger then her last pair. Stryker continued his attacks, killing two more, capturing others and luring one to his side. When he launched an attack on the Institute Nori was able to lead her team to stop him once and for all, and Stryker was killed.

They then found out that the Sentinel Nimrod was still alive and threatening Forge, who sent her a message through her gauntlets. She made the decision to lead the team against Nimrod and rescue Forge. In the end she was able to defeat Nimrod by removing her gauntlets and hitting him with the full force of her powers, sending him back in time.

All of her team save one is pulled into Limbo, but they managed to get a message to her telling her what had happened, as well as informing her that David had been killed. Nori then goes to surprisingly violet means to recover the information she needs to rescue her team and kill the one who had murdered David. They make there way into Limbo and fight off hoards of demons, rescuing the team and discovering that David had been revived.

Hearing of the horrors David had gone through, Nori became convinced that he wasn't safe on the team without his powers. She resolved to drive him away, kissing a team mate in front of him. Around that same time David regained his powers, choosing to stay on the team, but break off his relationship with Nori.

Nori is very strong minded, and fights for what she believes in. She tends to clash with authority, but has proven to be a strong and effective leader. She considers herself a feminist, and thinks that a woman can do anything a man can do, as well as where whatever she likes. This has brought her into conflict with her room mate Dust, who is from a strict Muslim background. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, and very protective.

She can be quick tempered and lippy, and is quick to let the swear words fly. When especially angry or surprise she may slip into her native Japanese, but she normally speaks English, since moving to New York.

Third-Person Sample:
Nori dumped out her bag on the floor, examining its contents with a frown. That was what you were supposed to do in this kind of situation, right? See what you have. How you can make use of it. They should have practiced more field ops.

Make up bag, not so useful, but hey, she'd be lost in style. She placed that to one side along with a small collection of toiletries (more useful), and a package of brand new electric blue hair dye.

Headphones and her mp3 player, not to be sacrificed. Those headphones had cost a fortune, best they had. And huge. Also placed to the side. Joined soon after by a camera, PSP, and several connecting cords. She'd be pretty and entertained, now she just needed something that would actually help keep her alive.

First-Person Sample Journal Post:
[Screen flips on and a young woman with blue hair arches an eyebrow]
Okay. So this is pretty weird. Is this like...a training exercise or something? A Danger Cave...thing? It looks pretty weird. And what's with the PDA? That's some pretty tech.

So I guess...I dunno, is my team out there? Is this one of you guys with magic? God I hate magic, such a cop out power. This isn't funny okay? Where the hell am I?
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