Tweets for Today

Jan 07, 2009 03:24

Danielle's Day

  • 13:33 Hanging out with Berkeley and Tara at their house :) #
  • 17:27 So I took @uhnet 's advice & was going to take the fam to OSF for $3 meals, but the line is TO THE STREET! So we're going to Dog House now! #
  • 18:48 Just had a good talk with Ryan&Tara & they want me to move in w them almost as bad as I need to. Jan21ish, folks. I'm officially a fresneck. #
  • 18:50 Now the big question is: does anyone need an office job in SouthGate. I think my boss would feel better if I had a replacement ready to go. #
  • 23:29 just finished watching KunFu Panda- super cute! Now going to sleep! Prob going to Tara's(/my house?!) in the morn to keep her company &such! #
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